הפקולטה למשפטים » סגל » סגל אקדמי בכיר » פרופ’ דורון מנשה

פרופ’ דורון מנשה
- dmenashe@law.haifa.ac.il
- 04-8249101
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דורון מנשה הוא פרופסור חבר בפקולטה למשפטים של אוניברסיטת חיפה ועומד בראש תכנית המוסמך הייחודית לתואר שני בתורת השפיטה וההליך הפלילי.
תחום מומחיותו הוא תיאוריה של דיני ראיות. מאמריו של דורון מנשה פורסמו בכתבי העת החשובים המתמחים בעיקר בראיות ובפרוצדורה, והוא משמש כחבר מערכת בכ”ע הבינלאומי המתמחה בראיות: , International Commentary on Evidence.
כתביו של דורון מנשה מצוטטים תדיר בבית המשפט העליון הישראלי .
כתב שלושה ספרים : הלוגיקה של דיני הראיות (מאגנס והוצאת אוניברסיטת חיפה,2009) התיאוריה של דיני הראיות ( פרלשטיין גינוסר,2017) , ומהותו של הספק הסביר (ביחד עם איל גרונר ,נבו 2017) .
- דיני ראיות
- דיון פלילי
- שיקול דעת שיפוטי בעניינים עובדתיים
Articles in Refereed Journals
1) D. Menashe “Judicial Discretion in Fact-Finding, Freedom of Proof, and Professionalism of the Courts,” 43 Hapraklit: Israel Bar Law Review (1993) 83-127 [Hebrew].
2) D. Menashe “Civil Procedure: Central Trends Toward Establishing a Constitutional Perspective,” 22 Tel Aviv University Law Review (1999) 205-237[Hebrew].
3) D. Menashe “Preservation of Mutuality as a Condition in the Doctrine of Issue Estoppel,” 23Tel Aviv University Law Review (2000) 343-360 [Hebrew].
4) D. Menashe “On Police Investigational Warnings, Confessions, and the Constitutional Exclusionary Principle Fallacy”LaWatch (April, 2000), www.lawatch.haifa.ac.il[Hebrew].
5) D. Menashe “The Ideal of Finding Truth and the Principle of Minimizing False Convictions: An Analysis of a Complex Relations,” 1 KiryatMishpat (2001) 307-334[Hebrew].
6) D. Menashe “On the Logical and Normative Substance of Section 11 of the Criminal Procedure (Search of the Human Body Act, 1996),” 2 KiryatMishpat(2002) 295-328 [Hebrew].
7) D. Menashe “Reflections in the Wake of the Judicial Decisions regarding AryehDeri” 2 KiryatMishpat(2002) 329-366 [Haebrew]
8) D. Menashe “On The Absence of Legal Authority to Forcefully Coerced Internal Searches”Law & Government: University of Haifa Law Review (2003) 619-639 [Hebrew].
9) D. Menashe “A Critical Comment to the Inquiry Report on the Kishon Stream” 1 He’arat Din(January-March 2004) 1-10 [Hebrew].
(Referenced in the Hebrew Wikipedia: http://he.wikipedia.org.)
10) D. Menashe, R. A’ssy “Mistaken Facial Identification of Suspects: Invitation to Research and Reform” 35 Mishpatim:Hebrew University Law Review (2005) 205-329 [Hebrew].
(Referenced in the Hebrew Wikipedia: http://he.wikipedia.org.)
11) D. Menashe, R. A’ssy “A Rejoinder to Avraham Levi’s Response” 35 Mishpatim: Hebrew University Law Review (2005) 489-498 [Hebrew].
12) D. Menashe “Representation of Suspects in Suspect Lineups” 5 A’LeiMishpat: Ramat-Gan College Law Review (2006) 29-64[Hebrew].
13) D. Menashe, H. E. Shamash “The Narrative Fallacy” 3International Commentary on Evidence(2006) 1-45.
International Commentary on Evidence has published three responses to “The Narrative Fallacy,” byRonald Allen (School of Law, Northwestern University), Robert P. Burns (School of Law, Northwestern University), and Deirdre M. Dwyer (University of Oxford).
The American Association of Law Schools (AALS) newsletter (Spring/Summer 2006) has cited “The Narrative Fallacy” as a publication worth noting in Evidence Law: http://www.aals.org/documents/sections/evidence/AALS_Evid_Sec_Newsletter_spring-summer_2006.pdf
14) D. Menashe “The Requirement of Reasons for Findings of Fact” 8International Community Law Review (2006) 223-245.
15) D. Menashe, H.Shamash “Pass These Sirens By: Further Thoughts on Narrative and Admissibility Rules”5 International Commentary on Evidence (2007) 1-12. (*)
16) M. Kremnitzer, D. Menashe, &. K. Ghanayim “The Use of Lethal Force by the Police” 53 (1)Criminal Law Quarterly(2007) 67-97. (*)
17) D. Menashe “Relaxed Formalism: Judicial Validation of Wills and Testaments” 40(1) Israel Law Review(2007) 119-155. (*)
18) D. Menashe, Sh. Otzari “Further Reflections on the Article: ‘Why Convictions Should Not Be Based Solely on Drug Tests” 37 Mishpatve-Refua’a (2007) 130-136 [Hebrew]. (*)
19) D. Menashe “Suspect Lineup Minutes as Evidence” 12 Ha-Mishpat: The College Of Management Law Review (2007) 59-86. (*)
20) D. Menashe “Is Judicial Proof of Facts a Form of Scientific Explanation? A Preliminary Investigation of ‘Clinical’ Legal Method” 12 International Journal of Evidence and Proof(2008) 32-52. (*)
21) D. Menashe , L. Riza “Probative Incentive for Inducing Cooperation Between Suspects and the Prosecution,” 25(3)MehkareiMishpat: Bar-Ilan University Law Review(2009) 845-887 [Hebrew]. (*)
22) K. Ghanayim, D. Menashe , M. Kremnitzer “The Use of Lethal Force in Effecting Arrest” 25(3) MehkareiMishpat: Bar-Ilan University Law Review (2009) 703-734 [Hebrew]. (Authors ordered in Hebrew alphabetical order.) (*)
23) D. Menashe , L. Riza “Interested Party’s Behavior Can Serve as Evidence: Analysing Incentives in English Legislation,” 9(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (2009) 167-183. (*)
24) D. Menashe “Innocent Salience: Revision of Milstein Decision” 5(2) University of Haifa Law Review (2009) [Hebrew]. (*)
25) D. Menashe, Y. Kaplan “Mercy in Judging and Sentencing” 32(3) IyuneiMishpat: Tel Aviv University Law Review (2011) 583-648 [Hebrew]. (*)
26) D. Menashe, Sh. Otzari “How Much does an Admission Weigh? Reevaluating the Bayesian Weight of Criminal Admissions?” 27(2) MehkareiMishpat: Bar-Ilan University Law Review (2011) 503-528 [Hebrew]. (*)
27) D. Menashe, E. Groner “Classifying Different Kinds of Acquittal: Reconsidering Acquittal on Grounds of the Benefit of Doubt” 27(1) MehkareiMishpat: Bar-Ilan University Law Review (2011) 7-78 [Hebrew]. (*)
Accepted for Publication
28) D. Menashe “Legal Proof, Mathematical Proof and Scientific Explanation.” Forthcoming in Crime and Social Deviance. ~80 pp. [Hebrew].
29) D. Menashe, Sh. Otzari “Distinguishing between Mistakes of Fact and Mistakes of Law.” Forthcoming in University of Haifa Law Review.
30) D. Menashe “The Duty to Provide Reasons for Findings of Fact under Israeli Law.” Forthcoming in 11 A’leiMishpat: Ramat-Gan College Law Review [Hebrew].
31) D. Menashe “Belated Testimony.” Forthcoming in Hapraklit: Israel Bar Law Review[Hebrew].
32) Rabeea Assy and Doron Menashe ‘The Catch-22 in Israeli Parole Law,’Criminal Justice and Behavior (forthcoming, 2014)
Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (excluding Conference Proceedings)
1) D. Menashe, “The Logic of Section 25 of the Succession Law,” in Aharon Barak and Daniel Friedmann (eds.), Essays in Memory of Professor MenasheShava, Ramot Publishing and Tel Aviv University, 2006, pp. 463-495 [Hebrew].
2) D. Menashe, Sh. Otzari “Sobriety Tests Without Reasonable Suspicion: Reflections on the Statute to Amend the Transportation Ordinance,” 72 HaPraklit: Essays in Memory of David Weiner (2009) [Hebrew]. (*)
Other Scientific Publications
1) D. Menashe “On the Necessity of the Best Evidence Principle” 25 Ha-Sanegor (April 1999) 3-5 [Hebrew].
2) D. Menashe, N. Plesser “Judicial Criminalization of Alternative Medicine in Israel” 88 Ha-Sanegor(July 2004) 5-8 [Hebrew].
3) D. Menashe “The Ideal of Factual Accuracy and the Principle of Protection of the Innocent” University of Haifa Bulletin (Spring 2005) 10-12 [Hebrew].
4) D. Menashe “Identification of the Accused by a Number of Witnesses”113Ha-Sanegor(2006) 5-6 [Hebrew].
5) D.Menashe “Equal Citizens AmongEquals”Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (23/08/2006) [Hebrew]. Online article.
6) D. Menashe “Equal Citizens Among Equals: A Response to Ilan Saban “Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (25/08/2006) [Hebrew]. Online article.
7) D. Menashe “Further Suggestions on the Rational Link: Second Response to Ilan Saban “Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (27/08/2006) [Hebrew]. Online article.
8) D. Menashe “Further Remarks to Ilan Saban: Summing Up the Discussion” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog(28/08/2006) [Hebrew]. Online article.
9) D. Menashe “On Direct Speech, the Pathology of ‘Exposure Crimes,’ and the Protection of Victims: A Reply to Noya Rimalt“ Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (20/09/2006 ) [Hebrew]. Online article.
10) D. Menashe “The Abolition of the KinziDecision” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (9/10/2006 ) [Hebrew]. Online article.
11) D. Menashe “On the Eavesdropping Affair in the Ramon Case: A Reply to Dr. Oren Gazal-Ayal” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (12/11/2007) [Hebrew]. Online article.
12) D. Menashe “On the Economic Value of Military Service: Is It Really a Proxy?” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (13/12/2007)[Hebrew]. Online article.
13) D. Menashe “A Recipe for Self-Incrimination: Self-Served Incrimination” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (28/1/2007) [Hebrew]. Online article.
14) D. Menashe “The Milstein Case: A Response to Comments on My Article” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (29/1/2007)[Hebrew]. Online article.
15) D. Menashe “From Silence to No Speech: A Second Reply to Oren Gazal-Ayal” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (31/1/2007) [Hebrew]. Online article.
16) D. Menashe “The Decision of the Legal Advisor to the Government with Regard to Moshe Katzav: Reasonable!” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (13/01/2007)[Hebrew]. Online article.
17) D. Menashe “Costly Populism”Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (18/07/2007) [Hebrew]. Online article. (*)
18) D. Menashe “The Supreme Court Chief Justice and the Logic of Legal Proof”Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (26/07/2007) [Hebrew].Online article. (*)
19) D. Menashe “Acquittalfor the Benefit of Doubt and Doubt for the Benefit of Acquittal”Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (19/10/2007) [Hebrew].Online article. (*)
20) D. Menashe “Provocation, Cultural Defense and Voicing”Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (04/11/2007) [Hebrew]. Online article. (*)
21) D. Menashe “Declaratory Relief: Following 847/05 Orman v. The First International Bank of Israel” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (4/04/2008) [Hebrew]. Online article. (*)
22) D. Menashe “Personal Reflections on Affirmative Action”Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (23/03/2008) [Hebrew]. Online article. (*)
23) D. Menashe “Making EconomicBenefits Conditional upon Military Service: Decision 1241/07 of the High Court of Justice” Haifa Faculty of Law Blog (21/10/2008) [Hebrew]. Online article. (*)
24) D. Menashe “On the Limits of the Culture Defense and the Provocation Defense.” Forthcoming in The Israel Bar Association: Haifa District Bulletin, October-November 2009 [Hebrew].(*)
25) D. Menashe “On the Attorney General’s Directive Regarding Police Discretion to Investigate Lawyers.” Forthcoming inThe Israel Bar Association: Haifa District Bulletin, October-November 2009 [Hebrew]. (*)
Other Works Connected with Scholarly Field
1) D. Menashe and Emanuel Gross (eds.), Sources in Criminal Procedure: Constitutional Aspects and Legal Process, Ethica 1998.
2) D. Menashe (ed.), Sources in Criminal Procedure, Kopidaf 2000.
3) D. Menashe (ed.), Sources in Evidence Law, Kopidaf 2000.
4) D. Menashe (ed.), Sources in Civil Procedure, Academon 2003.
A. Submitted Publications
1) D. Menashe “A Response to Harel and Porat: On the Inadmissibility of the Aggregated Probabilities Principle.” Submitted for publication in Law, Probability & Risk.
2) D. Menashe “Innocent Silence:A Revision of the Milstein Decision.”Submitted for publication in University of Haifa Law Review[Hebrew].
Summary of my Activities and Future Plans
1) In a current book-length project I provide a comprehensive review and analysis of the terms and concepts of Israeli evidence law—an innovative project both locally and internationally. The entry for each legal term includes a definition of the term, comparative discussion, and a review of the relevant literature.
2) In a slated book-length project I plan to continue to explore the use of general judicial strategies to guide factual and legislative reasoning in the legislation of civil and criminal evidence law.
1) Technological developments call for a comprehensive reassessment of certain aspects of evidence law. In future articles I plan to offers such reassessment, focusing on probabilistic analysis of scientific evidence, voice identification, etc.
2) I plan to contribute to the development of evidential incentives theory by offering a more comprehensive economic analysis of evidence law, including raw statistical evidence and second-order evaluative evidence (attorney counseling, forgery of evidence, etc.).
List of Works in Progress
1) D. Menashe “Integrity and Evidence Law”[Hebrew].
2) D. Menashe, R. Shapira “Why We Should Not Aggregate Probabilities Across Offences In Criminal Law” [Hebrew].
3) D. Menashe, Sh. Otzari “Judgment Review: Privatizing Prisons in Israel” [Hebrew].
4) D. Menashe”English Legislation Review: The Required Standard for Repairing Slightly Flawed Testaments” [English].
5) D. Menashe, R. Assy “Identification by Voice”[Hebrew].
6) D. MenasheDefinitions and Concepts in Evidence Law (book) [English and Hebrew].
7) D. Menashe The Nature of Proof in Fact Finding in Courts: A Comparative Perspective(book)[Hebrew].
- הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב – תואר מוסמך, 1991-1995 (L.L.M), סיום בהצטיינות יתירה.
- הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, תואר שלישי, 1996-2001. עבודת מחקר בנושא “כבילת שיקול הדעת השיפוטי בעניינים עובדתיים” (אושרה בציון מעולה).
- החוג לפילוסופיה – הפקולטה למדעי הרוח, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, 1997-2000, תואר מוסמך M.A.(סיום בהצטיינות יתירה).
- פרופ׳ דורון מנשה והניתוח המתמטי שלו לדיני ראיות
- מתמטיקה וייצוג בשירה
- שיטת אסטרטגיית ההכרעה בפלילים הייחודית
- ד”ר נחשון שוחט על פרופ’ דורון מנשה, המורה שלי
- הפרויקט של פרופ’ מנשה -ואהבת
- הפרויקט של פרופסור מנשה – אל תייפי
- הפרויקט של פרופסור מנשה – במקום שנגמרות המילים
- הפרויקט של פרופסור מנשה – קם על יוצרו
- הפרויקט של פרופסור מנשה – הנה ואני בא
זוכה מלגת קרן קורט- מלגת הצטיינות אוניברסיטאית של אוניברסיטת חיפה – בהיקף של 0.25 לשנה”ל תשס”ג, בשנה”ל תשס”ג
תחומי מחקר: דיון פלילי, דיני ראיות, שיקול דעת שיפוטי בעניינים עובדתיים