Faculty of Law » Prof. Khalid Ghanayim

Prof. Khalid Ghanayim
- khalidg@law.haifa.ac.il
- 04-8288548
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Khalid Ghanayim is a Professor at the faculty of law University of Haifa, Board member of the Haifa Centre for German and European Studies (HCGES) University of Haifa. Prof. Ghanayim studied law at the faculty of law University of Cologne Germany and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for foreign and international criminal law in Freiburg Germany
His research focuses on substantive criminal law, such as the structure and elements of the criminal offence, the criminal law defences, the offences limited free speech, such as libel law, sedition, incitement, offences against the state, and the homicide offences, and the Criminal Law Procedure.
He is the co-author of several books, such as Libel Law (2nd edt., 2019), the Law of Sedition (1996), the Law of Incitement (1996), Offences against the State (2008) and The Law of Homicide (2020), and many articles in English, German, Hebrew and Arabic.
- Criminal Law
- Freedom of speech
A. Ph.D. Dissertation
Title: The Distinction between Justification and Excuses in Criminal Law, Reflections about Necessity
Date of submission: January 2002
Number of pages: 448 Pages
Language: Hebrew
Name of supervisor: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
University: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
B. Scientific Books (Refereed)
Authored Books
- Khalid Ghanayim, Mordechai Kremnitzer & Boaz Shnoor, Libel Law de lege lata and lege ferenda (The Harry Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Israel Democracy Institute, 2005). 488 Pages in Hebrew.(It is considered the leading textbook in the Libel Law).
- Khalid Ghanayim & Mordechai Kremnitzer, Offences Against The State (Nevo & IDI, 2008) 198 pages in Hebrew.
- Khalid Ghanayim, Mordechai Kremnitzer & Boaz Shnoor, Libel Law, de lege lata and lege ferenda (2nd ed., The Harry Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Faculty of Law Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Democracy Institute & Nevo, 2019), 565 Pages in Hebrew. (It is considered the leading textbook in Libel Law)
- Mordechai Kremnitzer & Khalid Ghanayim, The Reform of Homicide Offences In Light of Basic Principles and a Historical and Comparative Study (Bar-Ilan University Press & Nevo, 2020) 575 pages in Hebrew.
Edited Books and Special Journal Issues
- Ariel Bendor, Khalid Ghanayim & Ilan Saban, Mishpat Ummishal (Law and Government), 17 In Honor Of Mordechai Kremnitzer, (Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, 2016). 564 pages in Hebrew.
- Ariel Bendor, Khalid Ghanayim & Ilan Saban, Festschrift for Mordechai Kremnitzer (Faculty of Law – University of Haifa, The Israel Democracy Institute & Nevo, 2017). 797 pages in Hebrew
- Khalid Ghanayim & yuval shany, The Quest for Core Values in the Application of Legal Norms – Essays in honor of Prof. Mordechai Kremntizer (Springer Publishing 2020, accepted for publication)
C. Monographs
- Mordechai Kremnitzer & Khalid Ghanayim, Incitement, Not Sedition, de lege latat and lege ferenda (The Israel Democracy Institute, 1997). 93 Pages in Hebrew.
- 1a. Mordechai Kremnitzer & Khalid Ghanayim, Incitement, Not Sedition, in D. Kretzmer & F. hazan (eds.), Freedom of Speech and Incitement Against Democracy (Kluwer Press, The Hague, 2000), pp 147-211.
- 1b. Mordechai Kremnitzer & Khalid Ghanayim, Incitement, not Sedition, Position Paper No. 3 (Israel Democracy Institute, 2002). 97 Pages.
D. Articles in Refereed Journals
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, “Book Review: Lehrbuch des Strafrechts, Allgemeiner Teil [The General Part of the Criminal Law], by Hans-Heinrich Jescheck & Thomas Weigend [5th. Edition, Dunckner & Homblodt, Berlin, 1996]”, 34 Israel Law Review (2000) pp. 302 – 319.
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, Die Strafbarkeit von Unternehmen [The Criminal Liability of Corporations, in German], Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 113 (2001), pp. 539 – 564.
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, Proportionality and the Aggressor’s Culpability in Self-Defense, 39 (2004) Tulsa Law Review 875-899.
- KHALID GHANAYIM & MORDECHAI KREMNITZER, Error in persona and aberration ictus, a transferred malice? 1 Haifa Law Review (Din Udvarim) (2004) 5-45, in
- KHALID GHANAYIM, Excused Necessity in Western Legal Philosophy, 19 [2006] Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 31-6
- KHALID GHANAYIM, Excused Necessity: A Defence in the Criminal Code – A Comparative and Doctrinal Study, 11 [2006] Canadian Criminal Law Review 53-96.
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER, DORON MENASHE & KHALID GHANAYIM, The Use of Lethal Force by Police”, 53 [2007] Criminal Law Quarterly 67-97.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, The Role of Reasonable and Unreasonable Mistake in Justified Defences: A Comparative and Analytical Study, 3 Oxford University Comparative Law Forum, pp. 1-41, at ouclf.iuscomp.org. (2007)
- KHALID GHANAYIM, DORON MENASHE & MORDECHAI KREMNITZER, The Borders of Deadly Force in Affecting Arrest, 25 Bar-Ilan Law Studies (Mehkarei Mishpat) 703-734 [2009] in Hebrew
- THOMAS WEIGEND & KHALID GHANAYIM, Human Dignity in Criminal Procedure: A Comparative Overview of Israeli and German Law, 44 [2011] Israel Law Review 199-228.
- KHALID GAHANYIM, Multiple Reviews of the Application, Justification and Scope of Criminal Defences, 17 The College of Management Law Review (Hamishpat) 567-598 [2013] in Hebrew.
- KHALID GHANAYIM & MORDECHAI KREMNITZER, Mistaken Identity and Error in Performance: A Transferred Malice? 61 Criminal Law Quarterly 329-360 [2014]
- KHALID GHANAYIM & MORDECHAI KREMNITZER, Offences against the State, 17 Oxford University Comparative Law Forum 1-60 (2016) at iuscomp.org.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, The mental elements of justifying and excusing defences and the Unknown Justification and Excuse, 17 Law & Government (Mishpat Umimshal), 519-550 (2016) in Hebrew.
- KHALID GHANAYIM & MOHAMMAD WATTAD, Reconsidering the Grounds and the Causing Conditions for the Necessity Defence: Between Justification and Excuse – A Comparative Study, 86 UMKC L. Rev. 111-145 (2017).
- KHALID GHANAYIM & MOHAMMAD WATTAD, Dignifying the Dadson Principle: Towards a New Approach”, 22 Canadian Criminal Law Review 239-273 (2017).
- LIAT FRANCO & KHALID GHANAYIM, The Criminalization of Cyberbullying among Children and Youth, 17 Santa Clara J. International Law 1-49 (2019).
- KHALID GHANAYIM, Prevention, Investigation, and Sanctioning of Economic Crime in Israel, 90 International Review of Penal Law, pp. 165-202 [2019].
- KHALID GHANAYIM, MOHAMMAD WATTAD, YORAM RABIN & YANIV VAKI, Rethinking the English “Born Alive Rule”: Comparative and Doctrinal Study, 2020 ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 287-318.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, The Reform of Homicide Offences: From Murder with Mitigated Sentence to Homicide with Diminished Liability, 2020 Bar-Ilan Law Studies (Mehkarei Mishpat).
- LIAT FRANCO & KHALID GHANAYIM, Cyberbullying in Israeli Criminal Law, 2020 Haifa Law Review (Din Udvarim)
- KHALID GHANAYIM & MORDECHAI KREMNITZER, The Elements of aggravated Murder according to sec. 301A(a)(2) Penal Code, 2020 Law & Government (Mishpat Umimshal).
- LIAT FRANCO, SCHULAMIT ALMOG & KHALID GHANAYIM, Lawless Childhood, 2 Researches in Regulations 61-99 (2020).
E. Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (Refereed)
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, “The Liability of the Corporation”, in ESSAYS IN HONOR OF CHIEF-JUSTICE M. SHAMGAR (Tel-Aviv, 2003, in Hebrew), 33-113.
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, “New humanistic Trends in Israeli Criminal Law”, in FESTSCHRIFT FUER ALBIN ESER (Muenchen, 2005) 513-524.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, “Der Ehrenschutz im israelischen Recht” [The Protection of Dignity and Honour in Israeli Law, in German], in Tellenbach (Hrsg.), DIE ROLLE DER EHRE IM STRAFRECHT (edition iuscrim, Max-Planck-Institut fuer auslaendisches und internationales Strafrecht, 2007), 221-293.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, “Courting the Intifada: Discussing Legal Perspectives”, in RESTORING JUSTICE AFTER LARGE-SCALE VIOLENT CONFLICTS (Willan Publishing, Catholic University of Leuven, 2008), 229-251.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, “Putative Justificatory Defence”, MAGAMOT BEPLILIM (Lederman et al., eds., Faculty of Law Bar-Ilan University & University of Tel-Aviv, 2010, in Hebrew) 335-366.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, “Actio illicit in causa – The Necessity Defence”, in ESSAYS IN HONOR OF JUSTICE T. OR (in Hebrew 2013), 569-614.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, The Distinction between Offences and Defences: The Hebrew Edition of Fletcher`s BASIC CONCEPTS OF CRIMINAL LAW, pp. 181-199 (2018).
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, “Killing the Abuser: Murder, Manslaughter or just Diminished Responsibility”, ESSAYS IN HONOR OF CHIEF-JUSTICE M. NAOR (2020 Nevo).
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, “Shame Killing – an Aggravated Murder?, ESSAYS IN HONOR OF JUSTICE S. JUBRAN (The Harry Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Faculty of Law Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2021)
- MORDECHAI KREMNITZER & KHALID GHANAYIM, „Tötung des Haustyrannen: Minderschwere Tötung [Killing The Tyrant: Mitigated Homicide]“, in FESTSCHRIFT FUER ULRICH SIEBER (2020)
F. Articles in Conference Proceedings
- KHALID GHANAYIM, “Der Ehrenschutz im israelischen Recht” [The Protection of Dignity and Honour in Israeli Law, in German], in Tellenbach (Hrsg.), DIE ROLLE DER EHRE IM STRAFRECHT (edition iuscrim, Max-Planck-Institut fuer auslaendisches und internationales Strafrecht, 2007), 221-293.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, Putative Justificatory Defence”, MAGAMOT BEPLILIM (Lederman et al., eds., Faculty of Law Bar-Ilan University & University of Tel-Aviv, 2010, in Hebrew) 335-366.
H. Other Scientific Publications
- KHALID GHANAYIM, Incitement to commit a Felony or Act of Violence, in: FREEDOM OF SPEECH: COLLOQUIUM (The Israel Democracy Institute, 2002) 14-22.
- KHALID GHANAYIM, The Criminal Libel, de lege lata de lege ferenda, in: FREEDOM OF SPEECH: COLLOQUIUM (The Israel Democracy Institute, 2002).
- KHALID GHANAYIM, Amendment 66 of the Penal Code: Incitement to commit violent and terror act – a legislation based on political motives, 2009 Adahla 39-46.
- Faculty of Law, University of Cologne, L.L.B. & L.L.M. (German State Exam), with Distinction.
- Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, L.L.D., The Dissertation “The Distinction between Justification and Excuses in Criminal Law, Reflections about Necessity”, 448 pp.
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure