Amanda Athayde is a Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Brasilia (UnB) and a Professor of Economic and Competition Law at the Public Law Institute (IDP). She holds a PhD in Commercial Law from the São Paulo University (USP), a BA in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a BA in Business Administration in the UNA Centre. She was an international student in the Université Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne, and is the author of a book, several papers and book chapters in the area of Corporate Law, Competition Law and Economic Law. Amanda is a Federal Civil Servant, with additional experience in the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade in the negotiation of international cooperation and facilitation investment agreements. From 2013 to 2017, she was the Head of the Leniency Unit and Chief of Staff at CADE’s General Superintendence, responsible for all the leniency negotiations regarding cartel. In 2017, Amanda was nominated to join the Public Prosecution Office, as a legal advisor on the competition cases to be judged at CADE’s Tribunal, and to assist the negotiation of criminal plea agreements, the criminal investigations and the international legal cooperation. In 2019, she became Undersecretary of Trade Defense and Public Interest of the Secretariat of Foreing Affairs of the Ministry of Economy in Brazil.