פרסומים של המרכז למשפט וטכנולוגיה


Daniel Benoliel, Patents, Innovation and the North-South Divide (Cambridge University Press, Intellectual Property and Information Law series, 2015) (forthcoming)
Tal Zarsky & Ronen Perry, ‘May the Odds Be Forever in Your Favor’: Lotteries in Law, Alabama Law Review (forthcoming, 2015).
Daniel Benoliel, Towards a Cyber Security Policy Model: Israel National Cyber Bureau (INCB) Case Study, 16 North Carolina J. L. & Tech. (forthcoming, 2015).
Daniel Benoliel, The Impact of Institutions on Patent Propensity Across Countries​, Boston Univ. Int’l L. J., vol. 33(1) (forthcoming, 2015)
Tal Zarsky, Understanding Discrimination in the Scored Society​​, 89 Wash. Law Rev. 1375 (2015).​
Niva Elkin-Koren, After Twenty Years: Revisiting the Copyright Liability of Online Intermediaries, in THE EVOLUTION AND EQUILIBRIUM OF COPYRIGHT IN THE DIGITAL AGE (Susy Frankel and Daniel J Gervais eds.), Cambridge University Press (forthcoming, 2014).
Daniel Benoliel, The Impact of Pharmaceutical Patents on Healthcare Expenditure in Least-Developed Countries​ (LDCs) (with Timothy Chirwa) (forthcoming, 2014)
Tal Zarsky & Ronen Perry, Queues in Law​, 99 Iowa Law Review 1595 (2014).​
Tal Zarsky & Ronen Perry, Liability for Online Anonymous Speech: Comparative and Economic Analyses, 5 (2) Journal of European Tort Law, 205 (2014).
Daniel Benoliel, Patent Convergence Club Among Nations, Marquette Intellectual Property L. Rev. (2014).
Tal Zarsky & Shmuel Becher, ​Seduction by Disclosure​, 9 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 72 (2014).​
Daniel Benoliel, The International Patent Propensity Divide, North Carolina J. L. & Tech. 15(1) 49 (2013).
Tal Zarsky, Transparent Predictions, 2013(4) University of Illinois Law Review 1503 (2013).
Niva Elkin-Koren, Affordances of Freedom: theorizing the rights of users in the digital era​, Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies (2013).
Tal Zarsky & Norberto Andrade, Regulating Electronic Identity Intermediaries: The “Soft eID” Conundrum“, 74(6) Ohio State Law Journal 1335 (2013).
Tal Zarsky & Michal Lavi, “Internet Intermediary Liability – A Social Network Perspective“, Hebrew University Law Review (in Hebrew) (2013)​​​
Tal Zarsky, Mining the Networked Self​, 6(1) Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 120 (2012).
Tal Zarsky, Governmental Data Mining and its Alternatives​, 116(2) Penn. St. Law Review, 285 (2012)​.
Orna Rabinovitz-Einy, “Procedure and Legitimacy of Dispute Resolution Processes: Breaking the Dichotomy between Formal and Informal”,  in Procedures (Issi Rozen Tzvi and Talia Fisher, eds., 2012).
Tal Zarsky, The Data Mining Balancing Act, in European Data Protection: in Good Health?, Serge Gutwirth, et al. (eds.), Springer (2012), Chapter 5.
Orna Rabinovich-Einy and Ethan Katsh, Lessons from Online Dispute Resolution for Dispute Systems Design, ONLINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: THEORY AND PRACTICE, A TREATISE ON TECHNOLOGY AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION (Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab ET. AL. eds. 2012).
Tal Zarsky, Bart Custers, Toon Calders, and Bart Schermer, The Way Forward, in Tal Zarsky, et al., Data Mining without Discrimination (Springer, 2012).
Orna Rabinovich-Einy and Ethan Katsh, Technology and the Future of Dispute Systems Design​, 17 HARV. NEGOT. L. REV 151 (2012).
Tal Zarsky, Transparncy in Data Mining: From Theory to Practice, in Tal Zarsky, et al., Data Mining without Discrimination (Springer, 2012).
​Tal Zarsky, Automated Prediction: Viewpoint: Perception, Law, and Policy, Communications of the ACM (CACM), Vol. 15 (9), (2012).
Tal Zarsky, Data Mining as Search: Theoretical Insights and Policy Responses, in Tal Zarsky, et al., Data Mining without Discrimination (Springer, 2012).
Niva Elkin-Koren, ​LAW AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, co-edited with Michael D. Birnhack, Law, Society and Culture Series, University of Tel-Aviv Press ( 2011).
Daniel Benoliel, Intellectual Property in Israel, Circa 2010 [in Hebrew], Din Udvarim (2011).
Niva Elkin-Koren, The Uneasy Case for Copyright and the Changing Nature of Books, 79 George Washington University Law Review 101 (2011).
Niva Elkin-Koren, Tailoring Copyright to Social Production 12(1) Theoretical Inquires in Law (2011).
Niva Elkin-Koren, Governing Social Production, in NEW FORMS OF COLLABORATIVE PRODUCTION AND INNOVATION ON THE INTERNET – INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES​ Wittke, Hanekop, Heidemarie (eds)., Goettingen University Press (2011).
Daniel Benoliel, Standardization O​rganization and The Democratic Crisis in the Information Era​, Law & Information Technology (Niva Elkin-Koren & Michael Birnhak, eds), The University of Tel-Aviv Press, Law and Technology (in Hebrew) (2011)
Michael D. Birnhack & Niva Elkin-Koren, Does Law Matter Online? Empirical Evidence on Privacy Law Compliance​, Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Rev. (2011).
Niva Elkin-Koren, The Changing Nature of Books and the Uneasy Case for Copyright​, 79 George Washington University Law Review 101 (2011).
Niva Elkin-Koren & Michael D. Birnhack, Internet in Israeli Legislation [in Hebrew], The Magazine in the Network (Magazin BaReshet)   (2011)
Niva Elkin-Koren, Governing Access to User-Generated-Content: The Changing Nature of Private Ordering in Digital Networks, in GOVERNANCE, REGULATIONS AND POWERS ON THE INTERNET (E. Brousseau, M. Marzouki, C. Méadel eds.), Cambridge University Press (2011).
Niva Elkin-Koren, Governing Social Production, in NEW FORMS OF COLLABORATIVE PRODUCTION AND INNOVATION ON THE INTERNET – INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES Wittke, Hanekop, Heidemarie (eds.), Goettingen University Press (2011).
Niva Elkin-Koren, Governing Access to User-Generated-Content: The Changing Nature of Private Ordering in Digital Networks, in GOVERNANCE, REGULATIONS AND POWERS ON THE INTERNET (E. Brousseau, M. Marzouki, C. Méadel eds.), Cambridge University Press (forthcoming, 2011)
Orna Rabinovich-Einy, Escaping the Shadow of Malpractice​, 74 L. & Contemp. Probs. 241-278 (2011).
Sharon Haleva-Amir, “Online Israeli Politics: The Current State of the Art​“, Israel Affairs 17(3) (2011), 467-485.​​
Daniel Benoliel and Bruno M. Salama, Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era, 32(1) U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 265 (2010).
Daniel Benoliel & Bruno M. Salama, Pharmaceutical Patent Bargains: The Brazilian Experience, Cardozo J. of Int’l & Comp. Law, Vol. 18 (2010).
Niva Elkin-Koren, User-Generated Platforms,​ in WORKING WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Rochelle Dreyfuss, Diane L. Zimmerman, and Harry First, Editors), Oxford University Press (2010)​
Tal Zarsky, “Transparency in Content Filtering: A Plan of Attack“, 2 Hebrew University Law Journal on Legislation 133 (Hebrew) (2010).
Niva Elkin-Koren, Fair Use Best Practices for Higher Education Institutions: The Israeli Experience, (co-authored with Amira Dotan, Orit Fischman-Afori, Ronit Haramati- Alpern), Journal of the Copyright Society (2010)​