eBooks: A New Era of Law,

 Business and Society

18-19 May 2011

The Haifa Center for Law & Technology (HCLT) 

The Sagy Center for Internet Research

University of Haifa   

in collaboration with 

The National Library of Israel

Wednesday, May 18, 2011:  The National Library, Jerusalem

9:00-9:30     Registration

9:30-10:00   Greetings and Introduction

10:00-12:00 What is a Book in the Digital Age? The Rise of eBooks and Digital Libraries 

​Chair: Prof. Shulamit Almog, University of Haifa Faculty of Law

Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli, Director, Sagy Center for Internet Research, University of Haifa

Mr. Oliver Metzger, Senior Product Counsel, Google Inc. 

Google Books and eBooks

Mr. Oren Weinberg, Director, The National Library of Israel

Mr. Aly Conteh, Digitisation Programme Manager at the British Library and a member of the Executive Board of the IMPACT project

12:00-12:15 Coffee Break

12:15-13:15 Keynote – Paul N. Courant, University of Michigan Librarian and Dean of Libraries

Radical Change in Conservative Institutions: Desirable and Undesirable futures for the Academy and its Libraries

13:15-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:30 Institutional Changes: Law and Business of Digital Books        

Chair: Vera Franz​, Senior Program Manager, Open Society Foundations

Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren, Haifa Center for Law and Technology, University of Haifa Faculty of Law

Tailoring Rights to New Intermediaries

Dr. Orit Fishman Afori, span style=”color: black;”>The College of Management Academic Studies Law School

E-Libraries and Restrictive Contracts

Dr. Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration, Tel-Aviv University

Are Digital Rights Valuable? Theory and Evidence from eBook Pricing

Prof. Ethan Katsh, Director, National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, University of Massachusetts

eBooks and New Opportunities for Conflict Prevention and Resolution

Mr. Yaron Sadan, The Chairman of the Israeli Publishers’ Association and Managing Director Am Oved Publishers Ltd.

Digital Books and the Publishing Industryo:p>

Thursday May 19, 2011: Haifa University

9:00-9:30  &  Registration

9:30-11:30  Impediments to Digital Access    

CChair: Prof. Ruth Okediji, University of Minnesota Law School

Prof. Fania Oz-Salzberger, University of Haifa Faculty of Law 

From Tablet to Tablet, From Scroll to Scroll: Books Before and After the Codex

Prof. Kenneth Crews, Director, Copyright Advisory Office, Columbia University Libraries 

International Copyright and Multinational Impediments

Dr. Till Kreutzer,, Hans-Bredow Institute 

Privatization of the Balance in Copyright in the Digital Age

Dr. Guy Pessach​, Hebrew University Faculty of Lawi> 

The Political Economy of Social Remembering – The Role of Law and Public Institutions

11:30-12:00 Coffee Break

12:00-14:00 Facilitating Access to Digital Content: Legal and Business Strategies

CChair: Adv. Tony Greenman, Greenman Law Offices  

Prof. Lucie Guibault, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam

Cross-Border Dissemination of Mass-Digitized Library Collections?

Prof. Michael Carroll, American University Faculty of Law

Taking the Long View on eBook Licensing

Mr. Simon Morrison, Copyright Communications and Policy Manager at Google, London

Prof. Michael Geist, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law

Playing Whack-A-Mole?: A Cautionary Canadian Tale on a NNational Digitization Strategy

14:00-15:00  Lunch Break

15:00-17:00  How to Secure Competition and Freedom in eBooks?  

CChair: Prof. Ben Depoorter, U.C. Hastings College of Law

Dr. Michal Agmon-Gonnen, District Court of Tel-Aviv 

Books, Music, Ads and TM’s: IP Rights or Competition in Business Models

Mr. Asaf Tzadok, IBM Haifa Research & Development Lab

Digital Crowdsourcing

Prof. James Grimmelmann, Institute for Information Law and Policy, New York Law School

Google Books and Institutional Choice

Dr. Dina Kallay, Counsel for Intellectual Property & International Antitrust, Federal Trade Commission

UU.S. and EC Antitrust Perspectives on the Google Book Search Settlement

          17:00-18:00 Roundtable: TThe Google Books Settlement and its Aftermath   
