Tal Goldstein is Chief Strategist in the Israeli National Cyber Bureau. He is a graduate of the elite Talpiot program and holds a B.Sc. in physics and mathematics (Hebrew University) and a M.A. in economics (Tel-Aviv University). In the past 12 years, Mr. Goldstein have taken a leading role, both in the IDF and in the INCB, in the development of Israeli strategies on the different aspect of cyber security, such as national defense, operations, technology and economy. Among other issues, Mr. Goldstein has been involved in the government’s efforts to build up the cyber security ecosystem in Israel.

Tal Goldstein
- מחבר:בני מוזס
- פורסם:ינואר 28, 2018
- קטגוריה:Multinational
- תגובות:אין תגובות