Faculty of Law » Prof. Shulamit Almog

Prof. Shulamit Almog
- salmog@law.haifa.ac.il
- 04-8249148
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Shulamit Almog is a Full Professor of Law at the University of Haifa.
Her research focuses on law and culture, law and literature, law and film, children’s rights and feminist legal studies. She has published numerous books and articles in US, Canadian, European and Israeli law reviews.
Alongside her academic work, she is she is publicly active on human rights issues, appearing before the Israeli Knesset, drafting sections of Israel’s report to the UN on the International Convention on Children’s Rights, and participating on the committee reforming Israel’s Adoption Law.
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- Children’s rights
- Gender Inequality
- Labor Law
- Law and Culture
- Law and Feminism
- Law and Film
- Law and Literature
Books – English
- The Origins of the Law in Homer, The Gruyter , 2022 Introduction, On The Book
- How Digital Technologies are Changing the Practice of Law , The Edwin Mellen Press (2007) On The Book
Books – Hebrew
- “A Call to Honor: Selected Readings on Human Dignity” , The Israel Democracy Institute (2014)
- Law and Film , Nevo (2012) on the Book
- DALIA DORNER BOOK Edited with Dorit Beinisch and Yaad Rotem, Nevo (2009)
- PROSTITUTION: CULTURAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS , The Ministry of Defence – Publishing House (2008) On The Book
- CITY, LAW, STORY , Schocken (2002)
- LAW AND LITERATURE , Nevo (2000)
- CHILDREN’S RIGHTS , Schocken (1997)
- THE LAW OF HUMANITY Coauthored with Avinoam Ben-Zeev, Kibutz Meuchad Press (1996)
- THE EMPLOYEE’S GUIDE Coauthored with Linda Efroni and Dan Sprinzak, Veadim (1994)
Articles – English
- ‘Online I can ask questions and contribute confidently’: Children’s Rights and Potential in E-Consultations’, in Paulis, E., Kies, R., Östling, A. (eds.), Public Consultations in Times of Digitalization: Diffusion, Usage, and Democratic Challenges (with Daniela Zlotnik Raz, forthcomig 2025, Routledge).
- “Child work on Platforms. General and Gendered Aspects of YouTubers as Case Study”
(with Shlomit Feldman) , labour & Law Issues, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024), 107 - “Children’s Political Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”, The International Journal of Children’s Rights, Vol. 31, Issue 2 (June 2023), pp. 500-523 (with Daniela Zlotnik Raz)
- “‘Deliberating the Rights of the Child’: The inclusion of children in deliberative democracy and some insights from Israel” (with DANIELLA ZLOTNIK RAZ in Min Reuchamp and Yanina Welp – eds., Deliberative Constitution-making Opportunities and Challenges, Routledge, 2023)
- “Resting her Case: MeToo à la Others” Pólemos, vol. 18, no. 1, 2024, pp. 133-144, (with Ruth Amar).
- The Impact of Past Events on the Development of Human Medical Experimentation in ,Israel” , KOROT- The Israel Journal of the History of Medicine and Science Vol. 25 (2019–2020)” p.77 (with Limor Malul and Nadav Davidovitch).
- Big Data and Children’s Rights: New Legal Challenges alongside New Opportunities (V. Falce, O. Pollicino, J. Cannataci (eds), New Legal Challenges of Big Data (Edward Elgar, 2020) (coauthored with Liat Franco)
- “Targeting the Harm: Prostitution and the Law”, Social Justice and Equity, (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 2 , 5.
- “Views on Prostitution”, Hastings Women’s L. R. 3 (2019) (with Ariel L. Bendor).
- PRECARIOUS CHILDHOOD: LAW AND ITS (IR)RELEVANCE IN THE DIGITAL LIVES OF CHILDREN Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs 2019 VOLUME 7 NO. 1 (with Liat Franco)
- “I Made a Huge Mistake with my Life Prostitution as Misreflected in Israeli Law” Journal of Social Justice (2018) with Gal Amir.
- “The Politics of Pro and Non Reproduction Policies in Israel” (with Sharon Bassan) 14 Journal of Health & Biomedical Law 27 (2018)
- “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon: Painting Prostitution, Delineating Law” Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, Vol. 36 (forthcoming, 2018).
- Economies of Violence: Transnational Feminism, Postsocialism, and the Politics of Sex Trafficking, Jennifer Suchland- Book Review, in International Journal for the Semiotics of Law Vol. 29 843 (2016).
- Social Protest and the Absence of Legalistic Discourse:In the Quest for New Language of Dissent International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 2014 (1) ,1-22 (with Gad Barzilai)
- Where There is No Need to Screen Local Justice Law and Film in Israel, Culture And Visual Studies(Anne Wagner & Richard K.Sherwin eds,2014)
- Dystopian Narratives and Legal Imagination,in Utopian Imagination and law(Austin sarat,Martha Umphrey and Lawrence Douglas ed,2014)
- When a Robot Can Love- Blade Runner as a Cautionary Tale on Law and Technology” in: Human Law and Computer Law: Comparative Perspectives (Editors:Mireille Hildebrandt, Jeanne Gaakeer) , Springer, (181-194) (2013)
- “Between Citizenship, Equality, and Law, The Language of the Summer 2011 Social Protests” (with Gad Barzilai) , Israel Studies Review 27, no. 2 (2012)
- Contesting Religious Authoriality The Immanuel Beis-Yaakov School Segregation Case “Beis-Yaakov” School Segregation Case (with Lotem Perry-Hazn ) , International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (2012)
- Conceptualizing the Right of Children to Adaptable Education (with Lotem Perry-Hazn ), International Journal of Children’s Rights (2012)
- “Representations of Law and the Nonfiction Novel: Capote’s In Cold Blood Revisited “ , International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2012, 355 (2012)
- The Ability to Claim and the Opportunity to Imagine: Rights Consciousness and the Education of Ultra-Orthodox Girls” (with Lotem Perry-Hazn ), The Journal of Law and Education, Vol. 40 (2), 273 (2011)
- Prostitution as Exploitation: An Israeli Perspective , The Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law, Vol. XI num. III, 711 (2010)
- “Crimes Passionais, Crimes de Compaixão, Narrativas e Direito” Helena Buescu, Cláudia Trabuco Sonia Ribeiro-editors, Edições Almedina, Direito e Literatura – Mundos em Diálogo 241 (2010)
- “From ‘Paratroopers’ to ‘Waltz With Bashir’ – The Absence of Law from Israeli War Films” , Studies in Law, Politics and Society, 50 (2009)
- “Ethics, Aesthetics and Law: The Third Man’s Three Prongs” , Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, Volume 46 (2009)
- “Windows and ‘Windows’ : Reflections on Law and Literature in the Digital age” , University of Toronto Law Journal 57(4)755 (2007)
- “Healing Stories in Law and Literature” , Trauma and Memory: Reading, Healing and Making Law 289 (2007)
- “Creating Representations of Justice in the Third Millennium: Legal Poetics in Digital Times” , 32(2) Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal 183 (2006)
- “Casablanca: Judgment and Dynamic Enclaves in Law and Cinema” Coauthored with Amnon Reichman , 42 (2) Osgoode Hall Law Journal (2004)
- “Law as Film: Representing Justice in the Age of Moving Image” , 3 Canadian Journal of Law & Technology 1 (2004)
- “‘One Young and the Other Old’: Halachah and Aggadah as Law and Story” , 18 Canadian Journal of Law & Society 27 (2003)
- “The UN Convention of the Rights of the Child Meets the American Constitution: Toward a Supreme Law of the World” Coauthored with Ariel L. Bendor , 11 International Journal of Childrens’s Rights 273 (2003)
- “On Law and Utopia: Rules vs. Principles? A Comment on Ramiro Aviles’s Reply” , 14(1) Utopian Studies 132 (2003)
- “After the Rain” , Scope- An On-Line Journal of Film Studies (2003)
- “From Sterne and Borges to Lost Storytellers: Cyberspace, Narrative and Law” , Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal 1 (2002)
- “Literary Legal Utopias: Alexander’s Visit to Kasiah and Law at the End of Days” , 12 Utopian Studies 164 (2002)
- “Aggadah and Halacha – Law alongside Literature”, Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Law and Literature, Edited by Robert Spoo and Simon Stern, Elgar, 2025
- “As I Read I Weep: In Praise of Judicial Narrative” , 26 Oklahoma City University Law Review 471 (2001)
- “Literature, Politics, and Law – On Blacksmiths, Tailors and Demolition of Houses” , 1 Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 37 (1999)
Articles – Hebrew
- “‘At the Sight of Words’ – Kafka and Literature alongside Law” (with Gal Amir, forthcoming).
- Netflix ‘Social Dilemma’ – A Fictional Representation of Disaster? Gilui Daat – Multidisciplinary journal of Education, Society and Culture, Vol. 18 2021, 177 (with Shlomit Aharoni Lir)
- From the Odyssey Onwards: Law’s Long and Winding Road, Law & Literature, DOI: 10.1080/1535685X.2019.1613092
- “#METOO as a Feminist Dystopia?” Mishpatim Online 14 2020, 1 (with Gal Amir).
- “Damage is damage, it is harm – prostitution and justice” (with Gal Amir, forthcoming, The Rubinstein Book)
- Sexuality, Gender and Law – Part II: Toward a Reconceptualization of Female Sexuality in Israeli Law The Hebrew University Law Journal Vol. 45 3 (2016) p. 653 (with Karin Carmit Yefet)
- “Stories about Masculinity and Law”; Tel Aviv University law review, 39, 705-724 (2016)
- “Sexuality, Gender and Law- Part A: From dyseconomic’s to sexual economics”, in University Law Review 45,2, 385-437, with Karin Carmit Yefet (2015)
- “Prostitution as harm: Trauma alongside social Infamy”, in About Trauma, Studies in Identity, Memory and Representation. (Michal Alberstein, Nadav Davidovich and Rakefet Zalashik eds.), Kibutz Meuchad and Bar Ilan University press, 101-122, (2015)
- “Is There No Wisdom in Woman Except with the Spindle? The Right of ultra-Orthodox Girls and Women to Human Rights Education,” in Strasberg Cohen Book (Aharon Barak & Yitzhak Zamir eds., forthcoming, co-authored with Lotem Pery-Hazan)
- “Depiction of Religion and State in the Judgments of Ayala Procaccia“, Volume 18, Law and Business (2014)
- “Before the Law – Imagining Dystopia, Imagining Law” (in “Kafka – New Perspectives”, Editors: Ziva Shamir, Yochai Ataria, Haim Nagid), Safra Publishing House, 242 (2013)
- Religion, Gender and Justice Emmanuel Case: words, Voices and interpretations (with Lotem Perry-Hazn ) , Israel Studies in Language and Society (2013)
- “Ruth Writes about the Nights in Berlin” in Esther Hertzog and Erella Shadmi (eds. ) Bloody Money, Pardes Publishing House 91-99 (2013)
- “This is the Story of Prostitution’: Law Meets Film’” , Hamishpat Law Review, Vol 15, 2, 471 (2010)
- “The Appearance of Justice” Yedidia Stern editor, The Zalman Shazar Center and the Israel Democracy Institute, in the book My Justice, Your Justice, 365 (2010)
- “Trauma, Narrative and Law”, in Dalia Dorenr Book, (Shulamit Almog, Dorit Beinisch, Yaad Rotem eds.) 143, (2009)
- “Legal Citation Rules: Reflections on Formation of Discourse Norms” Coauthored with Ronen Perry, Haifa Law Review, vol 3(2) (2008)
- Legal Education and the Humanities: Poetics of Interpretations” Coauthored with Michal Alberstien, Haifa Law Review, vol. 3(1) (2007)
- “Hebrew Codification: Language of the Law and the Language of Equality” , 4 Law and Business (2006)
- “Mobbing” , 11 Labor, Society and Law (2006)
- “Law as Film: How Justice is Seen in the Age of Moving Images” , 22 Bar-Ilan Law Studies (2006)
- “And These Names are Eternal: Hebrew, Gender and Law” , 18 Bar-Ilan Law Studies (2002)
- “On Alienated Labor – Scenes from the Heart of Darkness” , 8 Labor, Society and Law (2001)
- Limiting WhatsApp to 16 years old- limiting children’s rights (With Liat Franco)
- Why do you feel sorry for sex offenders? Haaretz, (19/6/17)
- When one listens to women in prostitution, the harms emerge (with Linoy Even-Kesef, Haaretz) Read More..
- “Mobbing in the Workplace” (The Marker, 6.3.17)
- Israeli Defence Force struggles to promote women’s equality in the face of religious opposition, The Conversation, (14\12\16)
- Israel-where prostitution is-legal-debates criminalising the men who pay for sex”
- “The Oldest Oppression in the World”, Haaretz, (15/4/16)
- “Is Literature Masculine” Poalot Bareshet, (31/12/15)
- “Either Raped or Slut” with Karin Carmit Yefet, Haaretz, (22/10/2015)
- “Stop harassing the harassed” with Karin Carmit Yefet, Haaretz, (27/8/2014)
- “Inappropriate Integration“, with Karin Carmit Yefet, Haaretz, (15/8/2014)
- “Literary Revenge” , with Karin Carmit Yefet, Haaretz.
- Instead of chasing Leef Coauthored with Prof. Gad Barzilai, Haaretz (06/02/2014)
- “Friction Chain” , The 7th Eye (22/01/2014)
- Transperant Obstacles , The 7th Eye (15/12/2013)
- “A Fallen Woman” , The 7th Eye (02/12/2013)
- “All the People that Chase me” , The 7th Eye (17/11/2013)
- “The Qualification of Beauty” , The 7th Eye (31/10/2013)
- “Because of Social Infamy” , The 7th Eye (10/10/2013)
- “Hivemind and the Future of Law” , Haaretz (27/04/2013)
- “Room 514 – A Leading Woman” , saloona.co.il ((4/11/12))
- What between Fifty Shades of Grey and beautiful woman ? , saloona.co.il (14/10/2012)
- “Blade Runner – A dystopia of Alliance between Capital and Government” , Din Shave, August (2012)
- “The Cost of Prostitution” , Israel Hayom (14/02/2012)
- “How is the Freedom of Choice Created? Rights Education is Essential” (with Lotem Perry-Hazan), Hiddush site, April (2012)
- A woman is not dishonored , Haaretz (26/12/2011)
- “Digital World, Analog Law” , Haaretz (18/05/2011)
- “Trapped Women” , Haaretz (2/03/2011) (2011)
- “What is permissible and what is forbidden” , Haaretz (17/03/2010)
- “Labor Courts Should Continue to Provide Remedies for Women in Prostitution” , BEDALTAIM PTUHOT- The Israeli Bar Association Review (2009)
- “A Prostitiute Was Murdered by Strangling in Tel Aviv” , Maariv (29/12/2009)
- “Laws of Impurity” , Haaretz (23/12/2009)
- “Not in Agreement and Not by Choice” , Maariv (08/12/2009)
- “Prisoners Rights are Compromised even without Privatization of Prisons” , Maariv (24/11/2009)
- “The Army is Different” , Maariv (18/09/2009)
- “Where is Gaza’s Clinton” , Maariv (08/09/2009)
- “How Long Should a Judgment Be” , Maariv (02/08/2009)
- “What did we Learn?” , Maariv (19/07/2009)
- “The Digital Death of Michael Jackson” , Maariv (8/03/2007)
- “Murder is a Murder” , Maariv (29/06/2009)
- “We Shall Have Many Pushkins” , Maariv (18/06/2009)
- “In Praise of Minimalism” , Maariv (27/05/2009)
- “Culture, Wine and Hard Labor” , Maariv (21/05/2009)
- “?What Has it Got to Do With Emotion” , Maariv (23/03/2009)
- “Judicial Ending is Needed” , Maariv (15/03/2009)
- “Leave Chainy Alone” , Maariv (10/03/2009)
- “Judging by Cinema” , Maariv (11/02/2009)
- “The Lady, the Prostitute and the Yogurt” , Maariv (25/01/2009)
- “Law’s Double Standard” , Maariv (30/10/2008)
- “Transparent Children” , Maariv (31/08/2008)
- “Video Conference instead of Day in Court” , Maariv (14/08/2008)
- “Legitimating Prostitution: Only the Pimp Will Gain” , Yedioth Aharonoth (2008)
- “Why is WORD Inconsiderate of Women?” , Ynet (19/03/2007)
- “Parents Will Always be Tourists in the Internet, Children- Household Members” , Ynet (8/03/2007)
- “There is No Right to Buy Sex” , Haaretz (2007)
- “Three Stories about Humiliation” , BEDALTAIM PTUHOT- The Israeli Bar Association Review (2007)
- “When the Engine Becomes the Driver” , NRG (09/02/2006)
- “On Murderers and Murdered- Parashat Bereshit and Agnon” Coauthored with Aviad Ha’cohen, Parashat Bereshit, Issue 141 (2004)
- “Femaleness and the male reaction it evokes” , Haarez (14/02/2001)
- “Chronicles of a Place, Chronicles of a Consciousness” , Haaretz (12/07/2000)
- “A Born Storyteller” , Haaretz (30/01/1996)
- Initial Periodic Report of the State of Israel Concerning the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Editor of the legal parts with Ariel Bendor, Ministry of Justice, 403 pages, (2001)
- LL.B., Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- M.A., Faculty of Humanities, Haifa University.
- Ph.D., Faculty of Humanities, Haifa University.
- “Women at the Academy: Good Practices, Past Experiences, and Questions for the Future”, October 5, 2023 Kraków Academy
- An interview with Prof. Shulamit Almog (Hebrew) for a “Haaretz” article published on August 17, 2023, about the normalization of the commodification of sexuality, and its polar meanings between women’s empowerment and women’s objectification.
- Israeli equality campaigner sets her sights on ‘gender-neutral Hebrew’, The Jewish Chronicle, by Ben Bloch, September 29, 2022
- Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, 26.8.2022 | link to the article
- Prof. Almog’s opening a conference held on International Women’s Day, 8.3.2021
- Prof. Shulamit Almog on Moabite Ruth
- Prof. Shulamit Almog on political participation of youth, Athens 2019
- Prof. Almog talking about “The Handmaid Tale” in HAKAMERI Theater, 11.7. 18
- “Blade Runner, Law, Technology and Human rights”, World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Seoul, 2018
- Prof. Shulamit Almog talking with the author Scott Turow about law and literature
- Prof. Shulamit Almog in the Knesset Committee for combatting trafficking in persons and prostitution, March 2017
- Prof. Shulamit Almog talking with Dr. Shlomit Lir about TV series @Girls@, June 2017
- TedxHolyLand Shulamit Almog
- Andrew West is interviewing Prof. Shulamit Almog on Prohibition of consumption of prostitution on Australian ABC radio
- 2016 – “Wild Playgrounds – Social Networks as Lawless Domains”, LSE, London (with Liat Franco)
- Legal Marginalia- University of Hong Kong- Shulamit Almog
- prostitution and qualitative research methodological challenges and goals
- Prof. Shulamit Almog on the need for a treaty on violence against women
- workshop Constitutions in the Age of the Internet
- prof. Shulamit Almog in the Wire Israel, Where Prostitution Is Legal, Debates Criminalising the Men Who Pay for Sex
Fields of Intrests
- Legal Feminisem, Law and Sexuality
- Law and Literature
- Law and Film
- Law and Digital Culture
- Law and Visual Culture
- Law and Narative
- Labor Law
- Children’s Rights
- Feminist Legal Studies
Academic Experience
- Guest Researcher at The Margherita von Brentano Center,Freie Universität Berlin , 2018
- Visiting Professor at the University of Bocconi, Italy 2018
- Visiting Professor at the University of Granada (UGR) Faculty of Law 2017
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Bocconi, 2016
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, 2014
- Visiting Professor at CIRSFID – Interdepartmental Research Centre for History of Law, Philosophy and Sociology of Law and Legal Computer Science Faculty of Law, University of Bologna 2013
- Guest resercher at Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research, University of Hamburg 2012
- The University of Melbourne Law School, Visiting Professor, Fall 2009
- Monash University, Faculty of Law, Prato Center, Visiting Professor, Fall 2009
- University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, U.S., Visting Professor, Fall 2005
- Uninversity of Helsinki, Faculty of Law, Finland, Visiting Professor, Spring 2005
- Washington College of Law, American University, U.S., Visiting Professor, Fall 2003
Presentations in Conferences (selection)
- 2019 – “Literature alongside Law: Kafka and the Impossibility of not Hoping” Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law.
- 2019 – “Electronic Aggression of Children: Legal Aspects“, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, University of Geneva.
- 2018 – “Blade Runner & Blade Runner 2049 as reflecting themes on Law, Technology and Human Rights”, The 10th World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Seoul
- 2018 – The Silent Voice: Women in Prostitution about Prostitution and the Law, Bocconi University, Italy
- 2017 – Displacing sex for sale, Aalborg Univestuty, Copenhagen
- 2016 – “jocaste’s story“, Tel Aviv university
- 2016 -” Equality and Differences – Progressing towards the Israeli Whole“, in the conference “Equality and Law“, The President of Israel Residence with Israel’s Supreme Court
- 2016 – “Social Networks as Lawless Domains“, LSE (with Liat Franco)
- 2016 – ” Posing Somdomite” [sic.]: Dignity, Defamation and the Regulation of (homo)Sexual Identity” (with Alexander Feldman, in “Honor in Changing Societies, College of Law and Business).
- 2016 – Politics, power and practices of language – 2016 Herzliya Conference
- 2016 – “From the Olympus to the Mountains of Jerusalem: Athena’s Judicial Model”, Plenary session in the annual conference of the Israeli law and society association.
- 2016 - Minors Protections and the Law of the Internet (with Liat Franco), in workshop on “Constitutions in the Age of Internet”, University of bocooni, Milan
- 2016- “Generative Judicial Narratives in the Odyssey and the Oresteia“ in “Narratives of Adjudication and settlement”, Bar Ilan University.
- 2015- Legal Marginalia, University of Hong Kong.
- 2015- From Paratroopers to Waltz with Bashir: The Absence of Law from Israeli War Films, University of London.
- 2014 – The Future of Law in Digital Times, Bocconi University.
- 2013 – How digital Technologies are Changing the Practices of Law, Faculty of Law, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing
- 2013 – The Future of Law, School of Liberal Arts, Ren Li University, Beijing
- 2012 – Addressing the Knesset sub-committee on Combating Trafficking in Person.
- 2012 – The Nature and Scope of Editorial Autonomy in Israel and Germany,Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research, University of Hamburg.
- 2012 – Dystopia and Law in Cinematic Science Fiction , The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.
- 2012 – ‘Blow off Roofs’- Paintings of State and Religion in Ayala Procacchia’s Rulings, in “A Judge in a Conflictual Society “, IDC Herzelia.
- 2012 – Annual International Conference of the Association for Israel Studies Social Protest and Lawyers in the Digital Age (with Gad Barzilai
- 2011 – Dystopian Narratives and Legal Imagination at the LAW & THE UTOPIAN IMAGINATION lecture series , Department of Law, Jurisprudence & Social Thought at Amherst College
- 2011 – Les Demoiselles d’Avignon – Scandalizing and Normalizing Gaze and Legal Norms” in the Annual Conference of the Center for the Study of Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Eilat
- 2010 – “The Right to Adaptable Education” in the conference Minority Rights to Language and Education: Models and Perspectives in Europe and in Israel, Faculty of Law, Trento University, Italy
- 2010 – ‘Looking into the Void: A Dialogue on Cinematic Representations of Lawless Spaces’ (with Professor Ruth Buchanan)
- 2010 – “Prostitution as Violence” in Eilat Conference for Combating Violence in Israeli Society, Eilat, Israel
- 2010 – “Ajami as a Parable – Jaffa’s Wild West” in Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, U.S.
- 2009 – “Legal Conceptualization of Social Infamy”, in the Conference From Anna O. to Bertha Pappenheim. Religious Feminism, Freud and the Struggle against Prostitution, Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem and the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
- 2008 – “Reflections on Law and Literature in Digital Age”, in “Worlds in Dialogue” conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- 2007 – “Law in Israeli Film”, Israeli and European Law: Issues and Comparison, The Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
- 2006 – “Cinema and Justice in Israel”, the International Workshop- Cinema, Images, Justice, Bologna University, Faculty of Law, in conjunction with Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice, Paris, France
- 2005 – “Images of Justice or Images of Dissonance: The Sissons-Morrow Collection”, the Annie Macdonald Langstaff Workshop, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
- 2005 – “Film and Law” and “The European Origins of Israeli Labor Law”, Faculty of Law, Trento University, Italy
- 2003 – “The Continental Perception of Law and the European Union”, colloquium on “Introduction to European Union Law”, Faculty of Law, Monash University, Prato, Italy
Further Information
- 2018 – Representing Israel and Member of the Management Committee of cost action Constitution-making and deliberative democracy
- 2017- member in the Planning and Budgetary Committee of Israel’s Council of Higher Education to promote the Humanities in Israeli academia.
- 2016: Member of the editorial board Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence.
- 2015- Member of the Senate of the University of Haifa.
- 2014 – Co-Director of The Center for Gender, Law and Policy
- 2013 – Representing Israel and Member of the Management Committee of COST Action IS1209: Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance (Prospol)
- 2012 – Interview with Prof. Almog on her book
- 2010 – Member of University of Haifa Board of Governors
- 2009- Chair of the Faculty of Law Ph.D Committee
- 2009- Head of the Jewish-Arab Center
- 2009- Member of the Garduate Studies Academic Council at the Universty of Haifa
- 2009- International advisor Member ofInternational Journal for the Semiotics of Law
- 2009- Member of the Israeli Press Council
- 2008- Member of Committee Regarding National Award for Combatting Trafficking in Persons
- 2007-Member of the Commission for Examination of Adoption Procedure in Israe
- 2006- Member of the GroupImages of Justice
- 2006- Editor-in-Chief, Academic
- 2000-2007- University of Haifa PressEditor-in-Chief, Channel
- 2005-2006- Editor-in-Chief, DIN U DVARIM (Haifa Law Review)
- 2006- Guest Editor of Law and film issue, Bar Ilan Law Studies
- 2000-2004- Member of the Commission for Examination of Basic Principles in the Field of Children and Law and their Application in Legislation (sub-committee on children in their family)
- 2002- Guest Editor of Law and Literature issue, Bar Ilan Law Studies
- 2001- Member of theInitial Periodic Report of the State of Israel Concerning the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)(Editor of the legal parts with Ariel Bendor, Ministry of Justice, 403 pages)
Supervising LLM and PhD
- ” It’s my body” -Youth’s perception towards decision-making regarding their vaccination for coronavirus (Supervised with Dr. Keren Or-Chen)
- Linoy Even Kesef, “Social Infamy tax paid by women in prostitution in Israel” (with Dr. Dana Kahtan)
- Moriel Arev – Memory and Oblivion: From Borges to Gibson – The right to be forgotten in the digital space as emerging from literary representations
- Idit Itzcovich- Times of work and rest: the law in changing reality
- Karnit Gefen- The nature of judicial intuition : judicial intuition’s practices on the background of legitimacy dilemmas. (Supervised ‘with Prof. Zvi Eisikovitz)
- Itai Mishor – Between “Revenge Porn” and “Shaming”: Legal and Cultural Aspects
- Linoy Even-Kesef, “Nothing about us without us”- and beyond, On the question of representing the voices of women in prostitution in legislative processes that concerning them
- Dr. Limor Malul, The shadow of Nazi medicine casts on the construction of the field of clinical trials on human subjects in Israel (with Prof. Nadav Davidovitz)
- Dr. Liat Franco, “Cyberbullying, an evolving phenomenon amongst children and youth demands reframing local and international law” ( supervised with Khalid Ghanayim )
- Dr. Barbara P Billauer, When judges and scientists use the same words to mean different things – Investigating the meaning of ‘science’ in law from a ‘law and culture’ perspective
- Dr. Marva Ish-Am, From narrative understanding to legal recognition – Comprehending parental trauma narrative as a tool for realizing legal rights of children with disabilities (Supervised with Dr. Sagit Mor)
- Dr. Elit Ben Ari Prenatal Selection in the Age of Technology – Overt and Covert Ideologies
- Dr.Yaniv Zaid- Legal rhetoric in an era of technological changes.
- Dr.Perry-Hazan, Lotem- On the right to education and the right to educate : the autonomy of the ultra-orthodox education in Israel
- Dr.Adi Libsker- Sexual Offences Against Women During the Time of War: Literature and Film Alongside Law.
- Dr.Tamar Peled Catz- Surrogate mothers in Israel: Building in legal, social and cultural Aspects (Supervised ‘with Prof. Zvi Eisikovit)