Prof. Amnon Reichman

Professor Amnon Reichman teaches and researches administrative and constitutional law (Israeli and Comparative) as well as law and technology. He is the Director of the Haifa Center for Cyber, Law and Policy.

In public law, his publications address human rights (Human Dignity, Freedom of Expression, Equality, Privacy, Due Process, Freedom of Vocation and Freedom of Religion) separation of powers and judicial independence, theories of judicial review, interpretation and judicial discretion, modalities of regulation (including the relationship between regulation and judicial review), and methodologies of comparative law.

In law-and-technology he writes on the role of the state in Cyber, on the regulation of AI, on the public-private technological and jurisdictional interface, and on the methodologies of risk assessment, such as sandboxing.

In addition, Reichman engages in law and society research, primarily regarding the relationship between law and culture, (including law and literature and law and cinema), system theory and constitutional evolution, and the challenges to the culture of the rule of law.

Reichman has taught in several law schools, including Cardozo School of Law (NY), the Judicial College in Reno (NV) and UC Berkeley School of Law (CA). He serves on various professional boards (including the board of the Israeli Association of Public Law and the Israeli chapter of ICON-S), and was the president of the Israeli Association of Law and Society (2016).

Reichman has won several awards (including the Dusty Miller award for outstanding young scholar and an award for excellence in teaching), and several competitive grants (including the Israel Science Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Technology). Prior to joining the faculty of law at the University of Haifa (2001) he spent a year as a faculty fellow at Safra Center for Ethics and the Professions at Harvard. He holds an LL.B from Hebrew University, an LL.M from UC Berkeley, and an S.J.D from the University of Toronto. Reichman clerked for the Hon. Justice Aharon Barak at the Israeli Supreme Court, and articled with Ephraim Abramson & Co., in Jerusalem.

He is the director of the Research Forum on the Rule of Law, and a Principal Investigator in the Minerva Center for the Study of the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions.

  • Constitutional Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Cyber and AI Regulation
  • Risk Assessment, Sandboxing
  • Comparative Constitutional Law
  • Comparative Administrative Law
  • Theories of Regulation
  • Human Rights
  • Separation of Powers
  • Theories of Judicial Review
  • Jurisprudence
  • Law and Culture
  • Emergency Law
  • Theories of Interpretation
  • Interpretation in Law; Judicial Discretion; Judicial Behavior; Judicial Ethics
  • Formalism; Law and Morality; Law and Dominant Ideologies






  • Post Doc: Center for Ethics and the Profession, Harvard University (2001)
  • S.J.D., University of Toronto (2000)
  • LL.M., University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall) (1996)
  • LL.B., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (1994)
Scholarships and Awards (Selected)
  • Israel Science Foundation (for research on the administration of courts)
  • Minvera (for establishing a Center For The Study of the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions)
  • MOST (Israeli Ministry of Science) (for the study of the legal regulation of cyber)​

Legal positions in the past

  • Associate, Abramson and Co., Jerusalem 1995 (specialized in freedom of expression, administrative law and corporate law).
  • Clerk, Supreme Court of Israel, for Hon. Aharon Barak, Associate Chief Justice, 1994-95
  • Co-Director, Interns Program, Israeli Parliament (Knesset) and Israeli Institute For Democracy (IDI) 1993 -1994