
The Legal Feminism Clinic represented a women who, upon returning to her workplace after maternity leave was removed from her position to a more junior position.
Her desk, room and computer were also taken from her and she was given insignificant tasks to do. The worker tried to discuss this with her employer, but to no avail.
After the Clinic approached the employer, the employer filed a dismissal permit to the Finance Ministry (according to Israeli employment law, a special permit is required to fire women who are pregnant or after child-birth). The Ministry rejected the request and stated that the dismissal was discriminatory.
Despite the Ministry’s decision, the client decided she could not remain in the workplace and decided to resign.
The Clinic then filed a discrimination lawsuit on her behalf, and after a hearing it was decided that the employer will pay her 58,000 NIS in damages.



the Faculty of Law Legal Clinics Newletter
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