Faculty of Law » Prof. Ronen Perry

Prof. Ronen Perry
- rperry@law.haifa.ac.il
- 04-8288487
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Ronen Perry is a Professor of Law and Director of the Aptowitzer Center for Risk, Liability, and Insurance at the University of Haifa. Prof. Perry received his LLB magna cum laude from the Tel Aviv University in 1996, where he studied in the special program for excellent students (admitting 0.5% of undergraduate students). He completed with distinction his LLM studies, as part of the direct doctoral track requirements, then served for three years in the IDF JAG Corps, and received his LLD summa cum laude from the Hebrew University in 2001. Prof. Perry has published a book and seventy articles and book chapters on tort law, contract law, insurance, remedies, jurisprudence, and the legal process, and is also engaged in empirical and experimental legal studies without a priori commitment to a specific branch of law. He served as the President of the Israeli Private Law Association, and currently serves as member of the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law, the World Tort Law Society, and the Global Young Academy, and as the Israeli reporter to the European Tort Law Yearbook. Prof. Perry was a visiting researcher at New York University, University of Oxford, Pompeu Fabra University, and the University of Vienna. He is one of the founding editors, and a senior editor of the Journal of Tort Law, an editorial board member of Law and Social Inquiry, Asian Journal of Law and Economics, and Osservatorio del diritto civile e commerciale, and and the editor-in-chief of the Haifa Law Review. In 2015, he was awarded the Fattal Prize for excellence in legal research.
- Empirical Legal Studies
- Insurance Law
- Jurisprudence
- Military Law
- Tort Law
Nonconventional Allocations (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2020) (with Tal Zarsky)
Economic Ricochets (The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, 2002) (812 pp, in Hebrew)
Articles – English
Who Should Be Liable for the COVID-19 Outbreak?, 58 Harvard Journal on Legislation (forthcoming 2021)
The Law and Economics of Online Republication, 106 Iowa Law Review 721-774 (2021)
Civil Liability for Cyberbullying, 10 U.C. Irvine Law Review 1219-1271 (2020)
Crowdfunding Civil Justice, 59 Boston College Law Review 1-38 (2018)
Income-Dependent Punitive Damages, 95 Washington University Law Review 835-885 (2018) (with Elena Reznichenko)
From Fault-Based to Strict Liability: A Case Study of an Overpraised Reform, 53 Wake Forest Law Review 383-419 (2018)
Strike-out, 68 Alabama Law Review 445-491 (2017)
Pluralistic Legal Theories: In Search of a Common Denominator, 90 Tulane Law Review 647-669 (2016)
Taking Turns, 43 Florida State University Law Review 187-240 (2016) (with Tal Zarsky)
He Said, She Said, With a Twist, 69 SMU Law Review 3-34 (2016) (with Oren Gazal and Chen Toubul)
Who Should Be Liable for Online Anonymous Defamation?, 82 University of Chicago Law Review Online 162-176 (2015) (with Tal Zarsky)
Getting Incentives Righter, 12 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies (Oxford University Press) 202-227 (2015) (essay)
May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor: Lotteries in Law, 66 Alabama Law Review 1035-1098 (2015) (with Tal Zarsky)
Queues in Law, 99 Iowa Law Review 1595-1658 (2014) (with Tal Zarsky)
Imbalances of Power in ADR: The Impact of Representation and Dispute Resolution Method on Case Outcomes, 39 Law & Social Inquiry (Cambridge University Press) 791-823 (2014) (with Oren Gazal)
Liability for Online Anonymous Speech: Comparative and Economic Analyses, 5 Journal of European Tort Law 205-256 (2014) (with Tal Zarsky)
A Group’s a Group, No Matter How Small: Economic Analysis of Defamation, 70 Washington & Lee Law Review 2269-336 (2013) (with Alan Miller)
Good Faith Performance, 98 Iowa Law Review 689-745 (2013) (with Alan Miller)
The Reasonable Person, 87 New York University Law Review 323-392 (2012) (with Alan Miller)
Compartmentalisation and Harmonisation of Tort Law in Europe – Damage Caused by GMOs as a Test Case, 3 Journal of European Tort Law 123-139 (2012)
Differential Preemption, 72 Ohio State Law Journal 822-879 (2011)
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and the Limits of Civil Liability, 86 Washington Law Review 1-68 (2011)
Economic Loss, Punitive Damages, and the Exxon Valdez Litigation, 45 Georgia Law Review 407-485 (2011)
Stealing Sunshine, 74 Law and Contemporary Problems 33-46 (2011) (with Dana Weimann-Saks)
Insurance Regulation: Lessons from a Small Economy, 63 SMU Law Review 189-233 (2010)
The Third Form of Justice, 23 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (Cambridge University Press) 233-247 (2010) (essay)
Israel, Palestine, and the ICC, 32 Michigan Journal of International Law 73-127 (2010) (with Daniel Benoliel)
Empowerment and Tort Law, 76 Tennessee Law Review 959-992 (2009)
Correlativity, 28 Law and Philosophy 537-584 (2009)
It’s a Wonderful Life, 93 Cornell Law Review 329-399 (2008)
The Economic Bias in Tort Law, 2008 University of Illinois Law Review 1573-1622
Re-torts, 59 Alabama Law Review 987-1035 (2008)
The Relative Value of American Law Reviews: Refinement and Implementation, 39 Connecticut Law Review 1-42 (2007)
Correlation versus Causality: Further Thoughts on the Law Review/Law School Liaison, 39 Connecticut Law Review 73-95 (2007)
De Jure [sic] Park, 39 Connecticut Law Review Online 54-67 (2007) (symposium)
The Role of Retributive Justice in the Common Law of Torts: A Descriptive Theory, 73 Tennessee Law Review 177-236 (2006)
The Relative Value of American Law Reviews: A Critical Appraisal of Ranking Methods, 11 Virginia Journal of Law & Technology 1 (2006)
Wrongful Abortion: A Wrong in Search of a Remedy, 5 Yale Journal of Health Policy Law & Ethics 507-586 (2005) (with Yehuda Adar)
Relational Economic Loss: An Integrated Economic Justification for the Exclusionary Rule, 56 Rutgers University Law Review 711-789 (2004)
Articles – Hebrew
Strikers’ Liability for Third Party Harm, 16 Labor, Society & Law 311-332 (2020) (Hebrew)
Gender Biases in the Perception of Judgments, 24 College of Management Law Review 239-271 (2018) (Hebrew)
To be or not to be? That is No Longer the Question, 29 Bar Ilan University Law Review 61-106 (2013) (Hebrew)
Representation in Evaluative Mediation in the Employment Tribunals System, 34 Tel-Aviv University Law Review 641-666 (2011) (Hebrew) (with Oren Gazal-Ayal, Gal Livshitz & Efrat Plotnik)
Idealism v. Pragmatism: Reflections on the Road Accident Victims Polemic, The Izhak Englard Festschrift 81-110 (2010) (Hebrew)
Judicial Activism in Tort Law: A Taxonomy of Chief Justice Barak’s Decisions, Hebrew University Law Journal – Aharon Barak Festschrift 541-574 (2009) (Hebrew)
The Notion of Reasonableness in Negligence: A Positive Theory and a Normative Critique, 38 Hebrew University Law Journal 351-416 (2008) (Hebrew)
Plurima conantes prendere, pauca ferunt: Empowerment through Tort Law, 2007 Law, Society & Culture 411-450 (Hebrew) (with Yehiel S. Kaplan)
Legal Citation Rules: Reflections on the Formation of Discourse Norms, 3 Haifa Law Review 239-274 (2007) (Hebrew) (with Shulamit Almog)
The Limits of Judicial Creativity, 9 Law & Government 541-578 (2006) (Hebrew)
Risk, Insurance, and Insurance Contracts, 35 Hebrew University Law Journal 655-713 (2005) (Hebrew)
The Normative Hierarchy of General Military Orders: A Reevaluation of the Shmueli Case, 18 Israeli Defense Forces Law Review 229-234 (2005) (Hebrew)
Everything is Foreseen and the Negligence is Given, 35 Hebrew University Law Journal 359-434 (2005) (Hebrew)
Tort Liability of Recalcitrant Husbands, 28 Tel-Aviv University Law Review 773-869 (2005) (Hebrew) (with Yehiel S. Kaplan)
The Inconsistent Perception of Recovery for Loss of Life Expectancy, 4 College of Law & Business Law Review 151-176 (2005) (Hebrew)
Ranking Hebrew Law Reviews: Theoretical Foundations and a Preliminary Empirical Study, 1 Haifa Law Review 401-448 (2004) (Hebrew)
A Misrepresented Reform: The Story of the Road Accidents’ Victims Compensation Act, 28 Tel-Aviv University Law Review 147-225 (2004) (Hebrew)
To be or not to be: Is that the Question? Wrongful Life Claims as a Conceptual Error, 33 Hebrew University Law Journal 507-584 (2003) (Hebrew)
Book Chapters
Law of Torts, in The Israeli Legal System: An Introduction 87-111 (Christian Walter et al. eds., 2019) (also published in German)
WTLS Projects
Road Traffic Accidents in Israel, in Road Traffic Accidents: 2nd World Tort Law Society Project (Ernst Karner et al. eds., forthcoming 2019)
Product Liability in the Rest of the World, in Product Liability: Fundamental Questions in a Comparative Perspective 397-480 (Helmut Koziol et al. eds., 2017) (with Enrique Barros Bourie, Anton Fagan, and Mark Lunney) (also published in Chinese)
European Tort Law Yearbooks
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2019, __ (Ernst Karner & Barbara C. Steininger eds., forthcoming 2020)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2018, 717-742 (Ernst Karner & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2019)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2017, 684-710 (Ernst Karner & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2018)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2016, 668-693 (Ernst Karner & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2017)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2015, 677-703 (Ernst Karner & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2016)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2014, 688-711 (Ernst Karner & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2015)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2013, 731-754 (Ernst Karner & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2014)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2012, 745-777 (Ken Oliphant & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2013)
Israel, in European Tort Law Yearbook 2011, 715-753 (Ken Oliphant & Barbara C. Steininger eds., 2012)
Ranking Legal Publications: The Israeli Inter-University Committee Report, 15 Haifa Law Review (forthcoming 2021) (with Michael Birnhack, Oren Perez, and Doron Teichman; English text with a foreword in hebrew)
Professional Publications
Who is Liable for Online Anonymous Speech?, 28 Israel Bar Journal [Oreh Ha’Din] 2d series 81-85 (2015) (Hebrew)
Book Review, Izhak Englard, Road Accidents Victims’ Compensation (4th ed. 2013), 21 Israel Bar Journal [Oreh Ha’Din] 2d series 96-99 (2013) (Hebrew)
To be or not to be? That is No Longer the Question, 17 Israel Bar Journal [Oreh Ha’Din] 2d series 80-85 (2012) (Hebrew)
Punitive Damages Following a Criminal Sentence, 27 Haifa Bar Journal [Bi’Dlataim Ptuhot] 43-44 (2008) (Hebrew) (with Yehuda Adar)
Book Review, Izhak Englard, Road Accidents Victims’ Compensation (3rd ed. 2005), 55 Israel Bar Journal [Oreh Ha’Din] 65 (2005) (Hebrew)
A Revolution in the Law of Torts: “Lost Years Rule” Abolished by the Supreme Court, 44 Israel Bar Journal [Oreh Ha’Din] 52 (2004) (Hebrew)
Reversing the Burden of Proof in Cases where Damage is Caused by a Dangerous Object, 43 Israel Bar Journal [Oreh Ha’Din] 54 (2004) (Hebrew)
The Paradox of Israeli Law of Negligence: Even the Unforeseeable is Foreseeable, 41 Israel Bar Journal 60 [Oreh Ha’Din] (2003) (Hebrew)
Limitation in Torts: The Supreme Court Absentmindedly Nullifies s 89(2) of the Civil Wrongs Ordinance, 37 Israel Bar Journal 50 [Oreh Ha’Din] (2003) (Hebrew)
Judicial Review of the Non-Conscription of Yeshiva Students Policy, University of Haifa Journal 9 (Fall 2003) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Notes
Editors’ Note, 14 Haifa Law Review 7-12 (2019) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 13 Haifa Law Review 7-13 (2019) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 12 Haifa Law Review 7-10 (2019) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 11 Haifa Law Review 335-338 (2018) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 11 Haifa Law Review 7-11 (2018) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 9 Haifa Law Review 6-10 (2015) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 8 Haifa Law Review 289-93 (2015) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 8 Haifa Law Review 7-9 (2014) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 7 Haifa Law Review 197-201 (2013) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 7 Haifa Law Review 7-10 (2012) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 6 Haifa Law Review 367-370 (2011) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 6 Haifa Law Review 7-12 (2011) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 4 Haifa Law Review 7-11 (2008) (Hebrew)
Editor’s Note, 3 Haifa Law Review 187-191 (2007) (Hebrew)
Op-eds and short pieces
The Law and Economics of Online Republication, Oxford Business Law Blog (Mar. 27, 2020)
The Israeli Framework for the Assessment of Legal Research: An Alternative/Supplement to REF?, Oxford Business Law Blog (Aug. 9, 2019)
Cyberbullying: The Blind Spot of the Online Harms White Paper, Oxford Business Law Blog (June 12, 2019)
Crowdfunding Civil Justice, Oxford Business Law Blog (Oct. 19, 2017)
Imbalances of Power in ADR: The Impact of Representation and Dispute Resolution Method on Case Outcomes, Dispute Resolution Magazine 47-48 (American Bar Association) (Summer 2015) (with Oren Gazal)
Theresa May Breaks Left, Globes, July 12, 2016
Repeairing the Holes in the Net, News1, Mar. 17, 2015
- 2000-2002: Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Exact Sciences, School of Mathematics and Computer Science
- 2000: LL.D. summa cum laude, Hebrew University; Doctoral dissertation written under the supervision of the Honorable Supreme Court Justice, Prof. Izhak Englard (retired)
- 1997: LL.M. studies (direct doctoral track; completed with distinction), Hebrew University
- 1996: LL.B. magna cum laude, Tel Aviv University; The special program for excellent students
Newspapers and Magazines
Cyberbullying (JOTWELL, 15.2.2021): https://torts.jotwell.com/three-deft-kicks-to-the-problem-of-cyberbullying
Crowdfunding Civil Justice (Law Society Gazette [Cover Story], 23.7.2018): https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/features/strength-in-numbers/5066950.article
Pluralistic Legal Theories (JOTWELL, 17.11.2015): https://torts.jotwell.com/a-holy-grail-for-pluralist-theory/
Lotteries in Law (Legal Tribune, 2.11.2014): https://www.lto.de/recht/feuilleton/f/rechtsgeschichte-rechtsphilosophie-zufall-losentscheid-lotto-strafrecht/
Fields of Intrests
- Law of Torts
- Insurance Law
- Jurisprudence
- Empirical Legal Studies
- Military Law
Further Information
Associations, Organizations, and Institutions
- General
- Member, Global Young Academy (GYA), 2014-2019(155 members worldwide; founded by the Global Network of Science Academies: IAP).
- Faculty Exchange Fellow, Israel Institute, 2014-2015.
- Research – Methodological:
- Member, American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), 2011-present.
- Member, European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), 2011-present.
- Member, Society for Empirical Legal Studies (SELS), 2010-present.
- Research – Thematic:
- European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL):
- 2013-2015: Fellow;
- 2015-present: Member of the Association.
- World Tort Law Society (25 members worldwide):
- 2012-present: Member;
- 2017-2020: Project Leader.
- Israeli Private Law Association:
- 2009-present: Member;
- 2012-2014: Executive Board (with Amnon Lehavi and Eyal Zamir);
- 2013-2014: President.
- Professional:
- Israel Bar Association, 1998-present.
- European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL):
Editorial Positions
- Editor in Chief, Haifa Law Review (Israel: University of Haifa), 2006-2007, 2010-2014, 2016-present, volumes 3-4, 6-9, 11-15.
- Executive Editor and Senior Editor, Journal of Tort Law (USA/Germany: De Gruyter), 2005-present, volumes 1-11.
- Editorial Board, Law & Social Inquiry (USA: American Bar Foundation; Cambridge University Press), 2015-2019.
- Editorial Board, Asian Journal of Law and Economics (De Gruyter), 2019-present.
- Advisory Board, Osservatorio del diritto civile e commerciale (Italy), 2011-present.
- Advisory Board, Law & Military (Israel: IDF JAG Corps), 2015-present.
International Positions
- University of Oxford:
- Visiting Fellow, Worcester College & Faculty of Law, Hilary Term 2017
- Academic Visitor, Faculty of Law, 2014-15
- Academic Visitor, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Michaelmas Term 2014
- University of Vienna:
- Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Spring 2013
- Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Spring 2011
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, Fall 2008
- New York University: Global Research Fellow, School of Law, 2007-08
- Time Magazine, Person of the Year, 2006