Faculty of Law » Dr. Omer Kimhi

Dr. Omer Kimhi
- okimhi@law.haifa.ac.il
- 04-8240005
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Omer Kimhi serves a senior lecturer (associate professor). He holds a BA degree, magna cum laude, in economics from Tel-Aviv university, an MBA (specializing in accounting & finance), magna cum laude, also from Tel-Aviv university and a JSD (Juridical Science Doctorate) from New York University. His research areas include bankruptcy laws, local government laws, corporate laws and economic analysis of the law, and he has published articles in these fields in leading law journals. He serves as a board member of the Economic Master in Law & Economics (EMLE), and is the head of the LLM program in business law in Haifa law faculty.
- Bankruptcy Law
- Corporate Law
- Law and Economics
- Local Authorities Law
Active Participation in Scientific Meetings (selected)
- Cybersecurity and IoT, TIPSA Congress, Alicante, Spain (2019);
- A linguistic comparison of the concept of Fairness in the GDPR (commentator to Gianclaudio Malgieri) PLSC-EU, University of Amsterdam (2019);
- Institutional funding in Israel, Workshop on “Money Talks?”, University of Amsterdam (2019);
- IoT in Israel, Roundtable on “Internet of Things: An Opportunity Mediterranean SMEs should not miss”, Alicante, Spain (2019);
- Binary Governance (commentator to Margot Kaminski), PLSC, University of California, Berkeley, USA (2019);
- Law, Robotics and IoT, Judges Workshop, Jerusalem, Israel (2019);
- Wiretapping of Things, Tilting Conference, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (2019);
- Cybersecurity, RIO ITS International School (Rio de Janeiro & Sau Paulo, Brazil, July 2018;
- Copyright and Illegal Works, Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law, May 2018;
- Toying with Privacy: Regulating the Internet of Toys, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany, April 2018;
- Cyber Crime & Warfare, CCG – Summer School on Cybersecurity and Human Rights, University of Delhi, India, March 2018;
- The Internet of Things and Children, GYSM GIF Young Scientists’ Meeting “Legal Rules for the Digital Economy”, February 2018;
- Toying with Privacy: Regulating the Internet of Toys, Faculty Seminar, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law, February 2018;
- Toying with Privacy: Regulating the Internet of Toys, Cyber Security International Workshop, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, January 2018;
- Cybersecurity and Privacy, Cyber Challenges to International Human Rights, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law, December 2017;
- AI and Inclusion Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2017;
- Digital Expungement, Tliting 2017, Tilburg University, May 2017;
- Digital Expungement, Berkman-Klein Luncheon, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, April 2017;
- Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks, AU Cybersecurity Conference, American University, Washington D.C., March 2017;
- Digital Rehabilitation, Haifa University-QUB Workshop, Queen’s University, Belfast, November 2016;
- Digital Rehabilitation, Law & Technology Colloquium, Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law, Israel, November 2016;
- Digital Rehabilitation, EU Market Regulation, Financial Crimes and Global Security Governance, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, October 2016;
- Digital Rehabilitation, Minerva Center Cyber Workshop, Haifa University, Faculty of Law, July 2016;
- Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure, 2nd annual Shurat HaDin Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, June 2016;
- Privatization of the Judiciary, Berkman Center Colloquium, Harvard University, January 2016;
- Privatization of the Judiciary, Internet Law Colloquium, Boston College School of Law, January 2016;
- Participant in a Special Meeting on Fighting Terror through Online Platforms, United Nations headquarters, N.Y.C., December 2015;
- Protecting Infrastructure – A Critical Analysis, The Algorithmic State: Cyber Challenges to Democracy and Civil Rights, Haifa University, Faculty of Law, December 2015;
- The Criminal Copyright Gap, Law & Technology Colloquium, Hebrew University, Faculty of Law, May 2015 [in Hebrew];
- Protecting Infrastructure – A Critical Analysis, Online Terror Conference, Haifa University, Faculty of Law, December 2014 [in Hebrew];
- Copyrighted Crimes: Copyrightability of Illegal Works, Annual IP Conference, The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel, October 2014 [in Hebrew];
- The Criminal Copyright Gap, IP Scholars Conference (IPSC), University of California (Berkeley), August 2014;
- Copyrighted Crimes: Copyrightability of Illegal Works, WIPIP, Santa Clara University, February 2014;
- Copyrighted Crimes: Copyrightability of Illegal Works, Law & Technology Colloquium, Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law, Israel, January 2014;
- The Meaning of Life in Criminal Law, PhD Colloquium, Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law, Israel, January 2014 [in Hebrew];
- Copyrighted Crimes: Copyrightability of Illegal Works, Faculty Seminar, Ono Academic College, November 2013 [in Hebrew];
- Law in a Changing Transnational World, Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law, October 2013 (academic organizer with Olga Frishman);
- Wrong Copyright? Copyrightability of Immoral and Illegal Works, IP Scholars Conference (IPSC), Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, August 2013;
- Wrong Copyright? Copyrightability of Immoral and Illegal Works, PhD Colloquium, Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law, Israel, December 2012 [in Hebrew];
- Private Actors in Transnational Regulation, 9th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH), Peking University School of Transnational Law, Shenzhen, China, December 2012 (commentator);
- Copyright Criminalization, Annual IP Conference, Interdisciplinary Center, Israel, October 2012 [in Hebrew];
- Berlin Symposium on Internet and Society: Exploring the Digital Future, Institute for Internet & Society, Berlin, October 2011;
- The French Revolution 2.0: Copyright and the Three Strikes Policy, Tenth Annual IP Scholars Conference (IPSC), University of California (Berkeley), August 2010;
- ACTA and the Three Strikes Policy, Conference on Interest Analysis of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Agenda, American University, Washington College of Law, June 2010;
- Workshop on Law & Media, Technology, Property and Privacy, DJV, Wiesbaden, Germany, August 2007.
Academic Awards
- German-Israeli Foundation (GIF) young researcher grant on “The Internet of Children” (2019-2020);
- CCLP Grant on “Private Biometric Identification via Secure Core-Sets” (with Dr. Adi Akavia and Dr. Dan Feldman) (2019-2020);
- CCLP Grant on “Wiretapping of IoT” (2019-2020);
- Research Award for excellence in Academic Publishing, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa (2019);
- The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) grant for studying AI in the public sector (2018);
- Research Award for excellence in Academic Publishing, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa (2018);
- CCLP Grant on “Toying with Privacy” (2018);
- The IAPP Award for Best Privacy Paper in PLSC-Europe (2017);
- CCLP Grant on “Measuring Privacy in the ‘Always On’ Society” (with Dr. Dan. Feldman) (2017);
- MISTI MIT-Israel Seed Fund Award (with Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren and Prof. Tal Zarsky, 2016);
- Grant from “Hukim” Law Review for researching criminal copyright in Israel (2016);
- The President Scholarship for excellent researchers in Haifa University (2014-2015);
- Cegla Prize for the most excellent student paper in Tel-Aviv University (2014);
- Cegla Prize for the most excellent student paper in Tel-Aviv University (2013);
- Zvi-Meitar Fellowship for excellent research in law, Tel Aviv University, Tel-Aviv Law Faculty (2012);
- Aladdin Scholarship for Excellent Papers in Law & Technology (2009);
- Dean’s List, University of Haifa, Law Faculty.