Faculty of Law » Adv. Efrat Lupo Moskowitz

Adv. Efrat Lupo Moskowitz
The Clinic for Law and Education Policy
- efratlm@law.haifa.ac.il
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Efrat has a legal background in various civil fields, including legal consulting in the field of tenders and contracts, representing debtors in enforcement proceedings and bankruptcy, and more.
Efrat has been practicing social law for many years in various legal fields, including specializing in accompanying victims of sexual offenses in various legal proceedings and providing training on the subject, and accompanying people in debt in legal proceedings while creating rehabilitative responses to exit the debt cycle.
She partnered in establishing an innovative legal project to provide a broad rehabilitative response to the debtor population in Israel, including promoting policy and legislation in the field and providing in-depth training in the field.
She is a graduate of the acceleration program of the Joint and the National Insurance Funds (“The Hive”) for social initiatives, including winning a grant to promote the project.
Efrat specialized in the field of civil litigation at the Aaronson, Sher, Abulafia, Amoday and Partners law firm.