The Conflict Resolution Clinic

In a world where most conflicts are resolved out of court or in preliminary proceedings, the Conflict Resolution Clinic for disadvantaged populations, under the guidance of mediator Dana Gilo, is an innovative clinic whose goal is to provide students with in-depth knowledge and significant practical experience in the field of mediation. It also exposes them to additional procedures and tools within this field.

The formal legal process is characterized in many cases by structural failures and barriers such as high financial costs, procedural constraints, and most importantly – it does not address the root causes of the dispute. The judicial decision, therefore, often does not bring the conflict to “a real” solution, often resulting in judicial decisions that fail to achieve a genuine resolution of the conflict and may even exacerbate it. These barriers are especially disadvantaging for people from marginalized communities who have limited control over the legal process.
Significant portions of existing conflicts can be resolved through dialogue and cooperation between the parties, serving as an alternative to resorting to the court system. Implementing a mediation process in a state of conflict may help restore the strained relationship and, at times, even improve it by creating new opportunities for collaboration. Additionally, utilizing mediation tools empowers the parties and allows them to voice their perspectives.
The clinic operates with the goal of promoting the mediation approach and increasing awareness of alternative processes before resorting to the court system. This is achieved through educating students about the collaborative mindset of problem-solving attorneys and by enhancing public awareness of alternative procedures within the general population, particularly among vulnerable communities.
Within the scope of its activities, the clinic offers mediation services in various areas, such as divorce mediation, neighbor disputes, mediation involving individuals with mental disabilities, and mediation related to sexual assault. These mediation services are provided at no cost to vulnerable populations. The mediations are conducted by the clinic director, who is both an attorney and a mediator, in collaboration with other professionals as needed.
In addition, the clinic conducts workshops in a variety of organizations and associations on ‘mediation tools,’ with the goal of imparting effective conflict management skills and tools for conflict resolution to participants. Over the years, workshops have been held in youth-at-risk associations, schools in disadvantaged neighborhoods, nursing homes, the ‘Shilah’ association for people with disabilities, the ‘Keshet Haprahim’ house for intellectually disabled individuals, ‘Latet’ youth group, a group of girls in the Arab sector, and more.
The workshops are also conducted free of charge by the students, under the guidance of the clinic administration. The workshops are delivered in Hebrew or Arabic as needed.

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