עלי זלצברגר

פרופ’ עלי זלצברגר

  • אתיקה משפטית
  • בתי משפט עליונים
  • מרכז מינרבה
  • משפט וכלכלה
  • משפט ופוליטיקה
  • עמית המרכז למשפט וטכנולוגיה
  • תורת המשפט

ספרים – עברית

  • ההליך המשפטי – פרקים נבחרים , (עלי זלצברגר עורך, ירושלים: אקדמון הוצאה לאור) (1987)

פרסומים באנגלית



1. Niva Elkin-Koren and Eli Salzberger, Law, Economic and Cyberspaec: The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Analysis of Law, , Edwrad Elgar, 2004 (206 pp.).

2. Niva Elkin-Koren and Eli Salzberger, The Limits of Analysis: Intellectual Property in the Digital Age from a Law and Economics Perspective, Routledge-Cavendish, 2012 (290 pp.).


3. Eli Salzberger (ed.), The Legal Process – Selected Readings, Jerusalem, Akademon, 1987 (in Hebrew, 303pp.).

4. Eli Salzberger (ed.). Foundations of Law – Selected Readings, Haifa, Haifa University, 1993 (in Hebrew, 1262pp.).

5. Eli Salzberger and Ilan Saban (eds.), The Rules Governing Legal Practice, Haifa University Publishing House, 1995 (in Hebrew, 712 pp.).

6. Eli Salzberger (ed.), The Law and Economics of Innovation, Edward Elgar, 2012 (apx 700 pp.).

Edited Journals

1. Eli Salzberger and Yoram Trobovits (eds.), Mishpatim (eds), vol. 16, 1986, (in Hebrew,700pp.).

2. Eli Salzberger and Roger Van den Bergh (eds.), The International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 17(4), 1997, (320pp.).

3. Shulamit Almog and Eli Salzberger (eds.), Mishpat Umimshal,vol. 6, 2001-2002, (in Hebrew, 780pp.).

4. Eli Salzberger and Noya Rimalt (eds.), Mishpat Umimshal, vol. 7, 2002-2003, (in Hebrew, 810pp.).

5. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, (eds.), Vol. 20 Constitutional Political Economy, 2009, (310pp.).


1. Eli Salzberger. The Freedom of Movement in the Occupied Territories, a series of publications on human rights in the Israeli occupied territories. Jerusalem: The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, 1989 (in Hebrew).

2. Eli Salzberger, “On the Normative Facet of the Economic Approach Towards Law“, 22 Mishpatim (1993), 261- 299 (in Hebrew).

3. Eli Salzberger, “A Positive Analysis of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers, or: Why Do We have an Independent Judiciary?“, 13 The International Review of Law and Economics (1993), 349-379.

4. Eli Salzberger, “Judicial Independence and the Judiciary in Israel, A review article on Shetreet’s Justice in Israel,: A Study of the Israeli Judiciary, 2 Mishpat Umimshal (1994) 535-543 (in Hebrew).

5. Eli Salzberger, “The Attorney General and the Doctrine of Separation of Powers“, 5 Plilim (1996) 149-172 (in Hebrew).

6. Eli Salzberger, “Two remarks on the Decision of the Israeli Supreme Court in the Case of the Gal Statute, or an Invitation to Open the Discussion Again“, 3 Mishpat Umimshal (1996) 679-696 (in Hebrew).

7. Eli Salzberger and Fania Oz-Salzberger, “The German Heritage of the Israeli Supreme Court“, 31 Iyunei mishpat (1998) 259- 294 (in Hebrew).

8. Eli Salzberger and Alexander (Sandy) Kedar, “The Secret Revolution: More on the New Basic Laws, Their Interpretation by the Supreme Court and on Judicial Review in Israel“, 4 Mishpat Umimshal (1998) 489-520 (in Hebrew).

9. Eli Salzberger and Fania Oz-Salzberger, “Geheime deutsche Quellen am Obrersten Israelischen Gerichtshof (The Hidden German Accent of the Israeli Supreme Court)”,31 Kritische Justiz (1998) 289-317 (in German).

10. Eli Salzberger and Fania Oz-Salzberger, “The Secret German Source of the Israeli Supreme Court“, Israel Studies (1998) 159-192.

11. Eli Salzberger and Fania Oz-Salzberger, “The Hidden German Sources of the Israeli Supreme Court, 15 Tel Aviv University Studies in Law (2000) 79-122.

12. Eli Salzberger and Paul Fenn, “Judicial Independence: Some Evidence from the English Court of Appeal“, 42 The Journal of Law and Economics (1999), 831-847.

13. Eli Salzberger and Fania Oz-Salzberger, “Public Order, the Enlightened Public and Stomach Ache: Zim v. Maziar” , In A. Lakhovsky et al. (eds.), 50 Years of Israel Supreme Court Rulings, The Ministry of Defense Publications, 1999, (in Hebrew).

14. Eli Salzberger, “High Court Case: Ziv V. Goobernik and its Impact on Israeli Legal Culture”, in D. Barak-Erez (ed.), First Cases of the Israeli Supreme Court, Kibbuts Meuhad, 1999), 41-49, (in Hebrew).

15. Niva Elkin-Koren and Eli Salzberger, “Law and Economics in Cybercpace“, 19 The International Review of Law and Economics (1999), 533-552.

16. Eli Salzberger and Fania Oz-Salzberger, “The Hidden Germanity of Israel’s Supreme Court“, in D. Gootwiein and M. Mautner (eds.), A Special Volume on Law and History Zalman Shazar Center, (1999), 357-394, (in Hebrew).

17. Shulamit Almog and Eli Salzberger, “The Private Voice in Public Law“, 5 Mishpat Umimshal (1999) 9-13, (in Hebrew).

18. 16. Eli Salzberger, “On the Professional, on the Moral and what Lies Beyond the Law, 5 Mishpat Umimshal (2000), 407-417 (in Hebrew).

19. Eli Salzberger, “The Supreme Court of Israel at 50 Years – Between a Hedgehog and a Fox“,Mehkarei Mishpat (2000), 141-160 (in Hebrew).

20. Niva Elkin-Koren and Eli Salzberger, “Towards an Economic Theory of Unjust Enrichment Law“, 20 International Review of Law and Economics (2000), 551-573.

21. Eli Salzberger, “The English Court of Appeal: Decision-Making Characteristics and Promotion to the House of Lords“, in Stuart Nagel (ed.) Global Legal Policy: Among and Within Nations, Marcel Dekker (2000), pp. 223-251.

22. Eli Salzberger, “The Israeli Jurists Conspiracy – On the Israeli Bar and its Allies“, 32 Mishpatim (2001), 45-95 (in Hebrew).

23. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt , “Zur Verteilung politischer Entscheidungskometrnz – einige vorlaufige Beobachtungen aus Mittel – und Osteuropa“, in Hanz Nutzinger (ed.) Verteilungsprobleme im TransformationsprozeB, Berlin : Duncker & Humbolt, 2001, pp. 9-42, (in German).

24. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “On the Delegation of Powers with Special Emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe“, in: S. Voigt and H.J. Wagener (eds.) Constitutions, Markets and the Law – Recent Experiences in Transition Economies, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (2001), pp. 221-285.

25. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “On the Delegation of Powers – with Special Emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe” 13 Constitutional Political Economy 2002, 25-52.

26. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “Choosing Not to Choose: When Politicians Choose to Delegate Powers“, 55 Kyklos (2002), 281-310.

27. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “On Constitutional Processes and the Delegation of Power – with Special Emphasis on Israel and Central and Eastern Europe“, 3 Tel Aviv Theoretical Inquiries in Law (2002), 207-263.

28. Eli Salzberger, Cyberspace, Governance and the New Economy: How Cyberspace Regulates Us and How Should We Regulate Cyberspace” in: Horst Siebert (ed.) Economic Policy Issues in the New Economy” Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg (2002), pp. 169-208.

29. Eli Salzberger and Noya Rimalt, “In memory of Haim Cohen“, 6 MishpatUmimshal (2002), -4, (in Hebrew).

30. Eli Salzberger, “Temporary Appointments and Judicial Independence – Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Findings from the Supreme Court of Israel, 19 Mehkarei Mishpat (2003) 541- 568, (in Hebrew).

31. Eli Salzberger, “Temporary Appointments and Judicial Independence – Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Findings from the Supreme Court of Israel“, 35 Israel Law Review(2004) 481-523.

32. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “On Post-Constitutional Constitutional Choice with Special Emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe“, in: Ram Mudambi, Pietro Navarra and Giorgio Sobbrio (eds.) Perspectives on Political Economy, Michigan University Press, 2004, pp. 135-159.

33. Anne van Aaken, Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “Criminal prosecution of public figures: confusion within the executive branch“, German Papers in Law and Economics, BePrss (2004).

34. Anne van Aaken, Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “Criminal prosecution of public figures: confusion within the executive branch – A Conceptual Framework, 15 Constitutional Political Economy (2004) 261-280.

35. Eli Salzberger, “The Independence of the Judiciary: An Economic Analysis of Law Perspective“, in Andras Sajo (ed.), Judicial Integrity, Koninklijke Brill NV, (2004), pp. 69-98.

36. Eli Salzberger, “Free Culture from a Law and Economics Perspective: A Review Essay on Free Culture – How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity by Lawrence Lessig“, 1 Journal of Law, Economics and Policy (2005) 263-268.

37. Niva Elkin-Koren and Eli Salzberger, “The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Theory of the State“, in Alain Marciano and Jean Michel Josslin (eds.) How to Shape A Democratic State, Edward Elgar, (2005), pp. 58-100.

38. Eli Salzberger, “Judicial Selection in Israel: Constitution, Law and Politics“, In Kate Malleson and Peter Russell (eds.) Appointing Judges in an Age of Judicial Power: Critical Perspectives from Around the World, Toronto University Press, (2005) pp. 241-260.

39. Eli Salzberger and Fania Oz-Salzberger, “The Tradition of Freedom of Speech in Israel“, Law, Society and Culture 2006, pp. 27-70 (in Hebrew).

40. Eli Salzberger, “The Economic Analysis of the Public Domain“, in Bernt Hugenholtz (ed.), The Future of the Public Domain, Kluwer (2006), pp. 27-58.

41. Eli Salzberger, “A Brief Sketch of the Legal System of Israel and the Role of the Israeli Supreme Court” 56 Ars Aequi (2007), 942-954.

42. Eli Salzberger, “The Economic Analysis of Law” The Dominant Methodology for Legal Research?!” 4 Haifa Law Review (2008), 207-235.

43. Eli Salzberger, “Judicial Activism in Israel“, in Brice Dikson (ed.), Judicial Activism in Common Law Supreme Courts, Oxford University Press (2008), pp. 217-271.

44. Eli Salzberger, “Law and Economics in the 21s2t Century“, in Thomas Eger, Jochen Bigus, Clauss Ott and George von Wangenheim (eds.) Internationalization of the Law and its Economic Analysis, Gabler Edition Wissensschaft (2008), pp. 23-37.

45. Eli Salzberger and Stefan Voigt, “Separation of Powers: New perspectives and Empirical Findings – Introduction“, 20 Constitutional political Economy (2009), 179-201.

46. Eli Salzberger, “Separation of Powers and the Roles of the Judiciary: A Theoretical Analysis Through an Israeli Perspective” in Leny E. de Groot-van Leeuwen and Wannes Rombouts (eds.) Separation of Powers in Theory and Practice, An International Perspective, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen the Netherlands, (2010), pp. 11-47.

47. Eli Salzberger, “The Law and Economics Analysis of Intellectual Property: Paradigmatic Shift from Incentives to Traditional Property“, 7(2) Review of Law and Economics (2011), 101-156.

48. Eli Salzberger, “Law and Economics – Limits of Analysis: The Case of Intellectual Property“, Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska (ed.) Polish Yearbook of Law & Economics vol. 2, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, 2013.

49. Eli M Salzberger, La Legislation Antiterroriste Israelienne, 38 Archives de Politique Criminelle (2016) 189-226.

50. Eli Salzberger, “The Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions and International Law: A Law and Economics Perspective“, in Thomas Eger, Stefan Oeter, Stefan Voigt (eds.), The International Law and the Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions, Mohr Siebeck (2017), pp. 3-56

51. Eli M Salzberger, Counter-Terrorism Law and The Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions: The Experience of Israel, in Juliie Alix and Olivier Cahn, eds, L”hpothese de la gureer contra le terrorisme, Paris: Dalloz, 2017, pp. 43-62

52. Eli Salzberger, Towards an Economic Analysis of Deliberative Democracy, in Faure, Schruders and Visssher (eds), Don’t Take it Seriously – Essays in Law and Economics in honor of Roger Van den Bergh, Cambridge: Intersentia, 2018, pp. 333-350

53. Eli Salzberger, The New “Transparency Law” and the operation of the German Political Foundations, in Anna Abelmann and Katharina Konarek (eds.), The German Political Foundations’ Work between Jerusalem, Ramallah and Tel Aviv: A Kaleidoscope of Different Perspectives, Springer Vs. 2018, 79-91

54. Eli Salzberger, Counter-Terrorism Law and the Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions: Theoretical Insights and Israeli Law and Jurisprudence, in OJK/Muller, Krise der Liberaien Demokratie, Kritik und Forschrift im Rechsstaat, Band 49, Wien: Linde Verlag 2019, pp. 163-190

55. Eli Salzberger, The Weimar Constitution and Legal Culture and Israeli Law and Jurisprudence, in Thomas Kleinlein and Christopher Ohler (eds. ),Weimar international Kontext und Rezeption der Verfassung von 1919 , Mohr Siebeck 2020, pp. 233-261

56. Eli Salzberger, Israel at 70: The Relations Between Religion and the State, Democracy and the Israeli Legal System, in Regina Polak (ed.),Israel’s 70th Anniversary: Insights and Perspectives, Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society, Volume 19, Vienna University Press, 2020, pp. 45-65

57. Eli Salzberger and Eran Feitelson, Pnina Plaut, Deborah Shmueli, Alex Altshuler, Smadar Amir, Michal Ben-Gal Learning from Others’ Disasters? A Comparative Study of SARS/MERS and COVID-19 Responses in Five Polities, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 74, 2022

58. Eli Salzberger and Feitelson, E.; Plaut, P.; Shmueli, D.; Altshuler, A.; Ben-Gal, M.; Israel, F.; Rein-Sapir, Y.; Zaychik, D. The Effects of COVID-19 on Wellbeing: Evidence from Israel. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3750

  • דר’ פילוסופיה, אוניברסיטת אוקספורד
  • תואר ראשון במשפטים, אוניברסיטה עברית, ירושלים