פרופ’ אלכסנדר (סנדי) קדר

Prof. Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar

Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar teaches at the Law School at the University of Haifa. He holds a Doctorate in Law (S.J.D) from Harvard Law School. He was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan Law School as well as a Grotius International Law Visiting Scholar there and a visiting associate professor at the Frankel Institute for Judaic studies in the University of Michigan (2008-2009). His principal research focus is on legal geography, legal history, law and society and land regimes in settler societies and in Israel. He is also active in public struggles over distributive justice in Israeli land and is the co-founder (in 2003) and director of the Association for Distributive Justice, an Israeli NGO addressing these issues.

Among the publications he authored and co-authored are: The History of Law in A Multi-Cultural Society: Israel 1917-1967 (Co-editor, 2002); “The Legal Transformation of Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967″, 33 (4) NYU J. Of International Law and Politics, 923-1000 (2001); “On the Legal Geography of Ethnocratic Settler States: Notes Towards a Research Agenda (5Current Legal Issues, 405-444, 2003); From Arab Land to “Israel Lands”: The Legal Dispossession of the Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of 1948″ 22 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (2004) pp. 809-830 (With Geremy Forman).; Colonialism, Colonization and Land Law in Mandate Palestine: The Zor al-Zarqa /Barrat Qisarya Land Disputes in Historical Perspective” Theoretical Perspectives in Law Vol. 4(2) (2003) (pp. 491-539) (with Geremy Forman). “The Legal Construction of Rural Space in Israel” State and Society 2(5) (2005, Hebrew). “Land Regimes and Social Relations in Israelin Swiss Human Rights Book (Henrando de Soto and Francis Cheneval Eds. 2006 with Oren Yiftachel); “Public Land: Strategies on the Struggle for Distributive Justice” in Rainbow of Opinions (Yossi Yonah and others ed. 2007) (Hebrew) “Re-Examining the ‘Dead Negev Doctrine’: Property Rights in Arab Bedouin Regions” 14 Law and Government 7-147 (2012) (Hebrew) (With Oren Yiftachel and Ahmad Amara. He is co-editing with Irus Braverman, Nicholas Blomley and David Delaney The Expanding Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography (Stanford University Press, 2014) in which his “Expanding Legal Geographies: A Call for a Critical Comparative Approach will be published as well as a co-written introductory chapter, “Expanding the Spaces of Law: An Introduction.”

Kedar is currently in the last stages of writing a co-authored book: Terra Nullius In Zion? Indigenous Bedouin Land and Contested Legal Geographies of the Negev, Palestine/Israel.

  • History of Law
  • Property

Authored Books

  • Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Ahmad Amara and Oren Yiftachel, Emptied Lands: A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev (by order of contribution) Stanford University Press (about 125,000 words) (2018) Cloth ISBN: 9781503603585.
  • اراضٍ المُفْرَغَةجغرافيا قانونية لحقوق البدو في النقب ألكساندر كيدار وأحمد أمارة ورن يفتاحئيل (Arabic version of the book; published in 2021 Madar Press.)

Edited Books and Special Journal Issues

  • Ron Harris, Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Pnina Lahav and Assaf Likhovsky) (Editors).The History of Law in A Multi-Cultural Society: Israel 1917-1967 (Ashgate, 2002, 452 pages). (Appear in alphabetical order, equal contribution.)
  • Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Noya Rimalt, Co-Eds., Law and Government (Mishpat U Mimshal) (2004) (volumes 7 (1) (444 pages) and 7 (2) (555 pages) (Hebrew).
  • Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Haifa Law Review (Volume 1), 2005. (Founding Editor) (633 pages + 17 in English) (Hebrew).
  • Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Haifa Law Review (Volume 2.A) Special Issue: Law and Geography (2005) (347 pages + 12 in English) (Hebrew).
  • Irus Braverman, Nicholas Blomley, David Delany and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar (Eds.) The Expanding Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography (Stanford University Press, 2014, 278 pages).

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy)Majority Time, Minority Time: Land, Nation and the Law of Adverse Possession Israel” Tel-Aviv University Law Review 21(3) 655-746 (1998) (Hebrew). [A; V]
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy),Majority Time, Minority Time: Land, Nation and the Law of Adverse Possession Israel” 443-524 Land Law in Israel: Between Private and Public (1999, Hanoch Dagan Ed. (Republished). (Hebrew).
  • Salzberger, Eli, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), “The Quiet Revolution – More on Judicial Review according to the New Basic Laws” Mishpat Umimshal 4(2) 489-520 (1998) (Hebrew).
  • Yiftachel, Oren, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), “On Property and Power: Israeli Land Regime” Teoria U Bikoret 16 (2000) with pp. 67-100.
  • 3a. Also published as Yiftachel, Oren, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), “On Property and Power: Israeli Land Regime” 18-51 in Space, Land, Home (2003, Yehuda Shenhav Ed.) (Hebrew).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy),A first Step in a Difficult and Sensitive Road: Preliminary Observations on Qaadan v. Katzir” Israel Studies Bulletin 16 pp. 3-11 (2000).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy),The Legal Transformation of Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967“, 33 (4) NYU J. Of International Law and Politics, 923-1000 (2001).
  • Harris Ron, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), Likhovsky Assaf, “Between History and Law: On the Historiography of Israeli Law,” Harris, S. Kedar, & A. Likhovski 26(2) Tel Aviv University Law Review, 351-389 (2002).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy),On the Legal Geography of Ethnocratic Settler States: Notes Towards a Research Agenda,” 5 Current Legal Issues, 401-441 (2003).
  • Harris Ron, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), Lahav Pnina, Likhovsky Assaf, “Israelische Rechtsgeschichte: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart,” 25 Zeitschrift fur Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 70-94 (2003). (German).
  • Forman, Geremy, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), Colonialism, Colonization and Land Law in Mandate Palestine: The Zor al-Zarqa / Barrat Qisarya Land Disputes in Historical Perspective,” Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4(2) (2003) (pp. 491-539).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), “The Legal Construction of Rural Space in Israel,” State and Society 4(1) 884-883) (2004) (Hebrew).
  • Forman, Geremy, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy),From Arab Land to “Israel Lands”: The Legal Dispossession of the Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of 1948,” 22 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (2004) pp. 809-830.
  • Yiftachel, Oren, Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Ahmad Amara, Re-Examining the ‘Dead Negev Doctrine’: Property Rights in Arab Bedouin Regions,” 14 Law and Government 7-147 (2012).
  • Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Dignity Takings and Dispossession in Israel,” Law and Social Inquiry 41(4) 866-887 (2016).
  • Batia Roded, Oren Yiftachel, Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, “Between Rights and Denials: Bedouin Indigeneity in the Negev/Naqab,” Environment and Planning A, 48, pp. 2129-2161 (2016).
  • Ela Trachtenberg, Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar and Deborah Shmueli, “The Development Authority and the Formative Years of the Israeli Land Regime,”, Journal of Israeli History, 35, no. 2, pp. 215-243, 2016.
  • Ela Trachtenberg, Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar and Deborah Shmueli, “The Reflection of The Israeli ‘Incorporation Regime’ in The Land Allocation Institution in Israel’s Urban Area, 1950-1960,”), Middle Eastern Studies Journal 2017.
  • Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Ahmad Amara and Oren Yiftachel, “Inconvenient Truth – the Dead Negev Doctrine and Dispossession of the Bedouin”43 Iyunei Mishpat) 43 731-750 2021.
  • Quamar Mishirqi-Assad and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar “Power, Law and Place in the Shadow of the Occupation:A Legal-geographical Examination of the Transformation of the Susya Area (Shafa Yatta شفا يطّا) 1967 to 1998)” Haifa Law Review 16 (2022) pp. 15-81.
  1. E. Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (Refereed)


  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), “The Right to Elect and be Elected” in D. Hashin, B. Okon, A. Likhovsky and M. Gurell (Eds.) The Courts of Law: Fifty Years of Adjudication in Israel 84-86 Jerusalem: Judicial Department Publications (1999) (Hebrew).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy) and Yiftachel, Oren, “The Agricultural Land in Israel toward the End of the Millennium: Historical, Legal and Social Aspects” Distributive Justice in Israel (Menachem Mautner, (Ed. 2000) pp. 149-201.
  • An early and extended version was published as Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy) and Yiftachel, Oren, “The Agricultural Land in Israel Toward the End of the Millennium: Historical, Legal and Social Aspects Vol. 4 of the Center for Crime, Law and Society) (Hebrew) (1999).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy) “The Jewish State and the Arab Possessor: 1948-1967” in The History of Law in a Multicultural Society: Israel 1917-1967 R. Harris, S. Kedar, P. Lahav & A. Likhovski (eds.), (Dartmouth, Ashgate, 2002) (pp. 311-379).
  • Harris Ron, Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), Lahav Pnina, Likhovsky Assaf, “Israeli Legal History: Past and Present,” in The History of Law in a Multicultural Society: Israel 1917-1967 R. Harris, S.  Kedar, P. Lahav & A. Likhovski (eds.), (Dartmouth, Ashgate, 2002) ( pp.1-34).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy) and Yiftachel, Oren, Land Regime and Social Relations in Israel in Hernando de Soto & Francis Cheneval (ed.), “Realizing Property Rights”. Swiss Human Rights Book Vol. 1, Ruffer&Rub Publishing House. (Zurich 2006). (pp. 127-144).
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy), “Public Land: Strategies on the struggle for Distributive Justice” in Rainbow of Opinions (Yossi Yonah and others ed. 2007) (Hebrew) pp. 125-131.
  • Kedar, Alexandre (Sandy) “Expanding Legal Geographies: A Call for a Critical Comparative Approach” in Irus Braverman, Nicholas Blomley and David Delaney of The Expanding Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography (Stanford University Press, 2014) pp. 95-119.
  • Irus Braverman, Nicholas Blomley, David Delaney, and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar (First Editor contributed more, the last three equal contributions).  (2014),Expanding the Spaces of Law: An Introduction” in Irus Braverman, Nicholas Blomley, David Delaney and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar The Expanding Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography (Stanford University Press, 2014) pp. 1-29.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar. “Mandatory land law and its impact on the state of Israel’s relationship with the Bedouins,” Proceedings of an international workshop held at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law, 11 February 2016 Israel Law Review 49(3) 2016, pp 416–417.

Other Scientific Publications

  • Book at a Glance: A Review of Peter Novick, That Noble Dream (1988) Poetics Today 11(3) 717.
  • “Land and Planning” (with Oren Yitachel and Rassem Hammasey). Published in After the Break: New Directions for the Government Policy towards the Arabs in Israel (Dany Rabinovitch, Asaad Ganem and Oren Yiftachel Eds., 2000). (Appear in alphabetical order, equal contribution.)
  • “Land Regime in Israel: Genesis, Transformation, Implications and Reform” Interim Report to the Israeli Academy of Science (2001) (About 300 pages.) (With Oren Yiftachel). (Appear in alphabetical order, equal contribution.)
  • The Israeli Land Regime. Final Scientific Report to the Israeli Academy of Science for the Period 1999-2001 (Two volumes) (With Oren Yiftachel). (Appear in alphabetical order, equal contribution.)
  • Land Settlement in the Negev in International Law Perspective,” Adalah Newsletter, volume 8, December 2004.
  • “Construction and Practices of Trash Talk Among Bedouins and Cochini-Jews in the Negev, Southern Israel:  A Comment on Emily McKee, ‘Trash Talk: Interpreting Morality and Disorder in Negev/Naqab Landscapes.’” Current Anthropology 56(5) 744-745. (InCites-JCR ranking: #12 out of 84 in Anthropology | Impact Factor: 2.037 2015 InCites-JCR).
  • *“Dagan on a Crossroad: Autonomous Golden Path or a New Track on Main Road?” 45 TAU Law Review Forum (2021).

Other Works and Publications
*Various op-ed in newspaper, among which Haaretz, Ynet, Maariv, Globes
*Tel Aviv Museum, “Dissensus: Legislation, Planning, Architecture”
(participation in a documentary on Absentee Property (2022).

  • S.J.D. Harvard Law School, Boston, USA, 1996
  • LL.M. Harvard Law School, Boston, USA, 1989
  • Post B.A., General Studies, Faculty of The Humanities, Tel-Aviv University , 1985
  • LL.B. Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University , 1986


  • Land Regimes
  • Legal Geography
  • Property
  • Legal history
  • Law and Society

Professional Experience

  • 2004-2005 – Member of the Jury, International Architectural Competition for Unrecognized Villages, Organized by De Balie Cultural Center, Amsterdam.
  • 2005 – Member of the Steering Committee, first conference of the Israeli Association for Legal History.
  • 2003-present – Founding Member of the Israeli Association for Distributive Justice
  • 1996-2003 – Head of the Land Committee of the Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow.
  • 2000-2002 – Co-Editor of Scientific Book on Legal History. (The History of Law in a Multicultural Society: Israel 1917-1967 R. Harris, S. Kedar, P. Lahav & A. Likhovski (eds.), (Dartmouth, Ashgate, 2002)
  • 1998-2000 – Referee and reviewer for professional journals including, Law and Society Review, Law and Social Inquiry, Iyuney Mishpat, Mishpatim, Bulletin of Israel Studies and Hamishpat. Reviewer for the Israeli Academy of Science, Reviewer for the South African National Research Foundation.
  • 1996-1997 – Member of the Organizing Committee of the Israeli Legal History: Conference Honoring the Jubilee Year. (With Professor Pnina Lahav ,Boston University, and Dr. Ron Haris,. Tel-Aviv University. The conference took place on May 19-21, 1997.)
  • 1992 – Senior Fellow, Harvard Law School, USA.

Professional Milestones

  • GIF (German Israeli Foundation) (With Yfaat Weiss, Dieter Gosewinkel and Philipp Ther) Research grantfor 3 years – Total budget grant including the German part : 186,720 Euro. Project title: “Out of Place: Ethnic Migration, Nation State Formation and Property regimes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Israel”
  • Israeli Science Foundation (Founded by the Israeli Academy of Science). Grant for research Proposal: Israeli Land Regime: Land Regime in Israel, 1948-1998: Genesis, Transformation, Implications and Reform. Grant for the three years 1999-2002, with Professor Oren Yiftachel.
  • The Center for Research on the Bedouins, Ben Gurion University. Grant for research proposal on “The Legal Status of the Bedouins in the Land of the Negev”. 3,000$, 2006-2007.
  • Israeli Science Foundation (Founded by the Israeli Academy of Science). Grant for research Proposal: The Rise of a New Land Regime: Changes in Israeli Legal Geography 1992-2002. Grant for the four years, 2002-2006, with Professor Oren Yiftachel.
  • Research Grant. Embassy of France, Center for Cultural Cooperation. For a research project on Land Regimes in French Algeria and in Israel. (2002).
  • Elected Person of the Year, by the Journal “Mivnim” (2001).
  • Person of the Year in the field of Real Estate in Haaretz Daily and Globes Daily. (2002) (with other members of the Mizrachi Democratic Rainbow).
  • Former Editor in Chief, Mishpat U Mimshal (Law and Governement)
  • Founder and Former Editor in Chief, Din U Dvarim, Haifa Law Review
  • Member of several Law Faculty and University of Haifa Committees Currently University: member of the Senate of the University, Senate’s University Library Committee, Senate Constitutional Committee, Special Committee on the Status of Contractor’s Workers, University Graduate School’s Grant Committee, Board Member The Jewish Arab Center; The Jewish National Fund Prize Committee, University Board of Trustees. Law School Master Program Committee, Committee on the Special Master Program for Acting Judges, Advisory Appointment Committee, In charge of Ph.D. Colloquium. In the Past: Faculty of Law: Research Committee, Dean’s Search Committee, Teaching Committee, Student Committee, Head Alumni Committee. University: Exam Policy Committee (Moed Gimel)

Further Information

Born in Paris, France, Married.