Organizers: Dr. Faina Milman-Sivan and Dr. Yair Sagy,
University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
15:45: Participants invited to join the Workshop via Zoom
16:00-16:15: Opening Remarks: Professor Oren Gazal-Ayal, Dean, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
16:15-17:15: Keynote Address: Brigadier-General Levana Levy-Shay, Head of the Correction Division, Israel Prison Service, “Prison Labor and Correctional Policy in Israel”
17:15-17:30: Break
17:30-19:30: Prisons in Israel
Prisoners and Work in Israel
“Working Behind Bars: Employed Prisoners’ Perception of Professional Training and Employment in Prison”
“Work-Related Intervention Programs: Desistance from Criminality and Occupational Integration Among Released Prisoners on Parole”
Dr. Ronit Peled-Laskov, Ashkelon Academic College
Discussant: Dr. Tali Gal, Head, School of Criminology, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
Isarel: A View from the Ground
“Challenges in Advocating for Palestinian Prisoners,” Abeer Baker, Adv.
“Prison Labor: A Public Defender’s Perspective,” Gil Shapira, Adv., The State Public Defender Office
Discussant: Dr. Tali Gal, Head, School of Criminology, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
15:00-16:45: The Private-Public Divide: Employers and Prison Labor
“Prisoners at Work: Employment Incentives or Social Dumping?” Prof. Adriana Topo, Università degli Studi di Padova
Discussant: Dr. Adam Shinar, Reichman University, Radzyner Law School
“Prison Labor and the Public/Private Divide in the Age of Neo-Liberalism: A View from Israel,” Dr. Faina Milman-Sivan and Dr. Yair Sagy, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
Discussant: Professor Tonia Novitz, University of Bristol Law School
16:45-17:00: Break
17:00-19:30: Prison Labor in the U.S.
“The Racial Caste of Prison Labor,” Professor Ruben Garcia, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law
Discussant: Professor Malcolm Feeley, UC Berkeley School of Law
“Background Notes for Discussing the America’s Carceral State: Abolished ‘Except as Punishment for Crime’ From Settler Colonialism to the Reconstruction Congress,” Professor Lea VanderVelde, The University of Iowa Collage of Law
Discussant: Dr. Ely Aharonson, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
“U.S. Imprisonment of Unauthorized Immigrants, Forced Labor and International Norms,” Professor Marley Weiss, University of Maryland, Carey School of Law Discussant: Professor Hila Shamir, Tel-Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law
15:00-16:45: Prison Labor and the State
“Prison Labor and Structures of Exploitation,” Professor Virginia Mantouvalou, UCL Faculty of Laws
Discussants: Dr. Faina Milman-Sivan and Dr. Yair Sagy, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
“Private Contractors, Public Prisons and Prison Work: An Ethical Dilemma,” Jacki Silbermann, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law
Discussant: Dr. Amy Ludlow, Cambridge University Faculty of Law
16:45-17:00: Break
17:00-19:00: Plenary Session and Closing Remarks: The Futures of Prison Labor