Dr. Fabio Babey is the managing director of AGON Partners, external compliance officer of international companies (media and energy sector) and deputy head of the Center for Competition Law at the Zurich University.  His focus is on competition law and compliance and he is fluent in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian.  He manages a series of events for young antitrust lawyers and economists in the field of competition law (“Debating Competition”); moreover, he is the programme manager of the “CAS International Competition Law and Compliance” and the “CAS Compliance Officer” course.  Additionally, he contributes to the Swiss Association for Compliance and Competition Law (ACCL) and organises the Event-Series Competition Law Update (CLU).  Previously, he was the founder/managing director of Emeritus-Work GmbH; and a doctoral candidate at the chair of Prof. Heinemann (University of Zurich).